Hi there!
will be helping this great cause by investing just 10 minutes a day in
yourself and letting th
This email is to tell you about The Benefits , How it works, and How to practice at home .
How it works:
I hope you enjoyed your first session of meditation last night. Did you get the 'cool breeze' above your head ?
That cool sensation on top of the head is the genuine experience of
kundalini energy
ith practise of paying attention to this sensation above
for about 10 minutes daily,
you'll find
that even after a few days you'll become less stressed, more relaxed and generally feel more positive. It's all done for you by your own kundalini energy.
It is because sahaja yoga meditation is this simple, that it is
currently being practised by hundreds of thousands of people all around
the world, including America, Russia, China, Africa and the Middle
East; in their homes, schools and universities, and places of work, to
transform their lives and become happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
is the 'silent inner revolution' now taking place globally, which
doesn't require you to sign-up to anything or pay for anything. This is
what Shri Mataji (1923-2011) said is the next evolutionary step for mankind.
Shri Mataji, who had extraordinary insight into many things, also
that the en-masse awakening of the kundalini energy in as many people as possible around the globe
is the only way to avert the different existential risks the world is currently facing
: from environmental risks to other man-made risks.

is gentle and nourishing, motherly energy make you a more happier and healthier person
. 'In your advantage, lies the advantage of the whole
world' Shri Mataji once said.This email is to tell you about The Benefits , How it works, and How to practice at home .
The Benefits:
People who regularly practice sahaja yoga meditation report these benefits:
- removes stress
- improves health
- improves confidence
- increases creativity and problem-solving ability
- improves relationship with others
- improves sense of well-being (physical, emotional, economic, spiritual)
- cures illness (see: sahaja yoga research )
How it works:
path to
our most happiest and healthiest self is contained within
us in the form of a system of subtle energy centres and channels. The
on-switch or trigger of this whole system is the dormant
called the kundalini. When the kundalini is awakened and we are able to
sit still for 5-10 minutes a day (the meditation) and let her work ,
that there be on
the energy centres
and the result is that we
begin to
experience a slow positive inner and outer transformation
.Click here to view 50-second animation
How to practice at home:
need a framed copy of the photograph provided at the meeting and a
candle. Why the photograph? If you hold your palms open towards the
photo you may begin to feel a sensation of coolness flowing into the
hands, which indicates
kundalini rising. So the photo helps the
kundalini to rise by which you become mentally silent (ie. meditate).
The addition of a
candle has a cleansing effect, making it a
better space to meditate in.
Later on we'll learn how candle-light can be used to remove what are
called 'left-sided' problems which relate to our emotional
Next sit down; raise the kundalini and put on a bandhan
(2 minute video clip) as we did in the group meditation. Remain
sitting with your attention at the top of your head
; eyes closed and palms open on the lap.
begin to
feel the kundalini as a coolness on top of the head and in the hands. If
you keep paying attention to the coolness at the top of the head(eyes
closed) then your thinking will start to get less and you become
mentally silent (relatively. It gets better with practice). After 5 or
10 minutes sitting, you can finish the meditation by going through the
hand movements of raising the kundalini and putting on a bandhan
If you didn't feel any coolness on head or hands and are not sure if your kundalini is awakened then watch this 6 minute clip of Shri Mataji
taking an audience through the kundalini awakening (self-realisation)
exercise . Hold your palms out to screen and follow Shri Mataji's
instructions as if you were there. Surprisingly, people have got the
kundalini awakened by just watching this video in a receptive mood. You
can forward this to your friends and get them to try.
Set yourself a small goal
You can set yourself a target of say 4 weeks
to begin to
notice how much better you feel in everyway.
Everytime you sit for 10 minutes of meditation at home, you will feel the benefit
. Attending the
group meditation
whenever you can make it, has a powerful effect
and brings all the benefits faster.
There's a lot to learn about sahaja yoga and it's possible for anyone to master it; it just depends on yourself.
The knowledge is provided gradually in weekly emails
See you next Tuesday, bring your friends and if you have any questions in the meantime just reply to this email.
so that we can focus on developing mental silence
/'thoughtless awareness'
at the weekly meetin
Oh, by the way, a copy of the subtle system
chart, showing you where your chakras are, is attached
. This will be referred to
from time to time
during the
meditation sessions.Regards
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