Saturday, 11 July 2015

Getting to the next level.

​Dear All,
To add to the enjoyment you get from meditation, you could try lighting an incense stick and letting the fragrance waft around the space you're sitting in.
Fragrance being the essence of the Mother Earth*, it strengthens the earth element in you, which is represented by the mooladhara chakra - the chakra of innocence/the eternal child. When the mooladhara chakra is improved, you may find that inspite of all that's going on , you too can smile like the baby above.
Incense sticks (aka Joss sticks) come in such a variety that it can be difficult to make a choice (even available on
I find that a very pleasant meditative atmosphere can be created with sandlewood incense. I'll bring some to group meditation and you can grab a few sticks and try them at home. If you like them then I can get you a full pack the next time I go to Southall. They only cost £1 .
The great thing about babyhood, apart from the smiling, is that the state of thoughtless awareness is in-built. In sanskrit this state is called 'pratyaksha' . It's a state of just seeing or witnessing without any accompanying mental ideas/thoughts** . With the mind in this state, it more closely mirrors the nature of reality.
In Sanskrit, the word for the absolute reality is : 'Satchitananda'. This word can be broken down into : 'Sat' - truth ; 'Chit' - attention/awareness ; 'Ananda' - bliss/joy. So when the awareness approaches reality, it becomes a blissful awareness free from all false concepts.
in last weeks email, reference was made to predictions from the 'Nadi Granthas' about human beings enjoying an illness-free state of permanent youth. Similar predictions from the 'Vishnu puranas' talks about human beings at that time having 'crystal-purity of mind' - the bliss consciousness.
So now you know. Any amount of time you can spend in sahaja yoga meditation is like putting money into your bank account  and investing in the human race at the same time. And maybe all that's required to get you to the next level is lighting a sandlewood incense stick....
See you at group meditation on Tuesday.
* All fragrances are ultimately derived from plant, flower, herb, tree etc. which are dependant on the soil.
** See Jean Piaget's sensorimotor stage in childhood cognitive development - age : birth to 2 years

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