Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Extraordinary power of your attention.

​Dear All,
At last Tuesdays group meditation session  the theme was the 'Attention' . The key to sahaja yoga meditation is the attention. Why might this be useful to you beyond the actual practice of  meditation? Because it's generally agreed that the basis of success, satisfaction and achievement with most things in life, is the ability to focus. Your attention is that ability to focus.

Here then is a refresher towards improving your attention.
We live in a world which, because of the many distractions, is having a negative effect on the human attention (attention span). A study has found that the average human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds since 2000. Your goldfish (if you have one) has an attention span of 9 seconds! (see: Humans have shorter attention span than goldfish ).
When you meditate daily, it's a form of attention training and you may begin to notice the positive effects of this in your work, creative or otherwise.
Here's Ken demonstrating how by use of the attention you can meditate anywhere, not just at home: How to Meditate anywhere.
Also, one of the abilities that you've gained as a result of your kundalini awakening is that your attention is 'enlightened' . This means that your attention has the power to change something when it is directed towards some matter. It could be to do with some problem that you may be  having in your personal life or something to do with work, or even a much larger social problem.
Of course, this ability can be weak or strong depending on how far you have progressed in daily meditation and in achieving thoughtless awareness.
To measure your progress in your meditation practice then, you could test and see how effective your attention becomes and what successes you are able to achieve with your increased ability to focus.
See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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