Sunday, 28 June 2015

Something you know, which Google wish they did!

​Dear All,
The chap above is Bill Maris, a venture capitalist and the managing partner at Google ventures. In 2013, he helped set up Calico, an independent research and biotech firm dedicated to finding a cure for aging and the illnesses that come with it.
Here's how you may have a headstart on this Google venture and all the other people involved in the growing human longevity movement. (see notes).
When the kundalini pierces the crown of your head during meditation and you start getting the sensation of coolness flowing from the head, down the face and into the left and right sides, it's causing a gradual, rejuvenating change in your body. Exactly how this is happening is described in this 7 minute clip : How effects of meditation show on the face.
It's been predicted in the 'Nadi Granthas' (ancient Indian astrological text) that at some point we'll neither get old nor sick, so there will be no need for hospitals. The body will become so light and completely under our conscious control that it will be possible to cover great distances by almost gliding.

If you find this hard to believe, then check this out:

Shri Chand lived to the age of between 118 to 151 years old but reportedly had the youthful appearance of a 12 year old when he was last seen. He practised kundalini meditation(sahaja yoga) when it was still a secret knowledge. Shri Chand(8th September 1494 - 13 January 1629) .
There probably aren't  many people who want to remain looking 12 years old :o) , but when you sit for your daily meditation, achieve your thoughtless awareness and feel a sensation almost like honey trickling down the face, then hold steady for a moment and enjoy that. This could be the fabled 'fountain of youth'.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

The human longevity(HL) movement is a modern continuation of a long tradition of the search for the secret of eternal youth. The cosmetics industry is another expression of that (apparently skincare products make up the largest percentage of the market in cosmetic care). The difference between the cosmetics industry and HL is that research in HL is more than skin-deep . It looks at how cells age and die, and even looks at genes and DNA changes during the aging process.
Some of the notable names in the field are: Craig Venter, who was one of the first to sequence the human genome ; David Sinclair , who is associated with a chemical called resveratrol, which certainly makes mice in a lab live longer ; and Aubrey de Grey , who seems to be the complete embodiment of a modern-day alchemist.
Alchemy, the search for a way of changing ordinary metal into gold, amongst other things, led to the invention of chemistry as well as the evidence-based scientific method (ref: Robert Boyle ).
To get a sense of the alchemists pursuit, which was sometimes shrouded in mystery and superstition Goethe's Faust provides a good fictional insight. The last line of which reads : "..the eternal feminine evolves us higher and higher."

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