Monday, 3 March 2025

USAID & NGOs. Why Your Spirit is a Thing of Beauty.


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USAID & NGOs. Why Your Spirit is a Thing of Beauty.

Dear Friend,

Earlier this week someone was telling me how they wanted to work for an International aid organisation (NGO) after a post-graduate qualification.

This was very admirable of them to be thinking of the welfare of other people. When I was at their career stage my motivation was how to get rich quick. For myself.

Our discussion turned to the funding pressures that aid agencies are under. This is due to become even more of a problem with the shut down to all or parts of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

It's becoming apparent how many different public health and development programs around the world rely on the vital funding support of USAID.

These include:
  • Hospitals in refugee camps in Myanmar
  • Landmine removal in Cambodia
  • Healthcare for Afghan women
  • Education in Mali
  • Fighting deforestation and cocaine production in Latin America
(source: USAID: What projects have already been affected by aid cuts?

What this illustrates is a famous Sanskrit saying : "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" meaning "the world is one family". So who is the other?

This is the clue to the most beautiful part of you. That is your spirit, the collective being within you which can be felt as the vibes on your hands. More below.

Also below: the joys of chocolate; and, changing things by just watching (in meditation).

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed.5th March - Saptami (Now's your chance!); Thurs. 6th - Durgashtami (Set your intention); Fri. 7th - Navami (You win); Sun. 8th - Ekadashi (Transformed). 

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A Little Chocolate Goes a Long Way - How To Make Truffles at Home.
I've been noticing lately how people seem to be queuing outside Laderach, the Swiss luxury chocolate maker, where a box of truffles will set you back by £290. Don't mind them. Here's how to get all the benefits of eating a little dark chocolate - antioxidants, endorphins(the happy hormone) - by making your own truffles at home using the simple method shown here...
Silent Watch - Changing Things With Your Vishuddhi Chakra (a Meditation).
Just quietly observing something shouldn't normally have any effect. But not for you. When your kundalini begins to make the lotus of your Vishuddhi blossom, it leads to 'sakshi-swarupa-tva' , a long Sanskrit word meaning 'witnessing power'. Your attention on a situation acts on it. Here's a short meditation to help you develop that...
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Quote of the Week
" So who is the other? There is none. All that is there is yourself. And the education should be such that we should understand the essence of our collective being which is present within us – which is manifesting all the time.
Only after Sahaja Yoga it becomes evident. It becomes actual – you actualize it. You get the [actuality] that you are a collective being who was manifesting it all your life. You were not aware of it but after getting Realization (kundalini-awakening) you start feeling them on your fingers*. "

*[ Feeling others on your central nervous system as part and parcel of yourself]

April 14th 1980,  Caxton Hall, London (England).

At the moment I have a lot of anxiety and grief. Do you do private kundalini sessions?
In Reply:

I'm sorry to hear that. If possible you should try and speak directly with a qualified professional counsellor.

I've done a web search for you and found these details of free NHS counselling, which includes phone consultation.

In addition, merely sitting in on a group meditation session when you're ready, can provide you with vibrational support.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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