Monday, 27 January 2025

Clearing Compulsive Behaviour. How To 'Detox' Your Past (with a Lemon).


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Clearing Compulsive Behaviour. How To 'Detox' Your Past (with a Lemon).

Dear Friend,

Some of the best conversations I had when I worked in drug discovery, were with Dr. Roger Crossley, the head of our chemistry department and a world leading authority on 'Chirality'.

Chirality refers to the 'left-handedness' and 'right-handedness' of a molecule. Or molecules which are mirror twins of each other.

The left-hand version, say, might have biological properties that a medicine could be made from. Whereas the right-hand version might have no special properties at all.

An example of chirality occurs with lemons and oranges.

The molecule they have in common is 'limonene'. The left-hand and right-hand versions of limonene molecules are present in lemon and oranges in different proportions.

Lemon therefore has properties different from oranges although they are both citrus fruit.

One of the properties of lemons that has been discovered in energy work, is that a lemon is a good conductor of vibes: it can absorb and emit.

This can be used, for example, to detect negative energy in your home and absorb it away, according to Mark Bajerski.

This same property of lemon has been found to work in Sahaja yoga, as a way to 'spring clean' the closet of your memory (subconscious).

Your subconscious, represented by 'ida nadi' (left yogic channel), is the store of all your past emotional experiences, both good and bad .

This is  where impulses and compulsions, habits and conditionings, as well as reactions to life events, originate from.

So a spring clean of your past with a lemon (strange as it may sound), could take out the negative and give you a sense of renewal, and greater resilience and dynamism. More below.

Also below: Join the silent inner revolution by downloading the Sahaja yoga meditation app; and, using a simple mantra to clear a busy mind.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 28th January - Shivaratri ( your Spirit over matter); Wed. 29th - New Moon (New beginnings). 

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Silent Inner Revolution  - Rising to the Sign of the Times with an App (WeMeditate)  .
There's a silent inner revolution going on at the moment to meet the challenge of the times we individually and collectively face. It's en masse kundalini awakening to make meditating as easy as breathing. And there's an app to get you there. Download the free WeMeditate App now...
Rising Above The Noise - Peace & Power From Mental Silence .
Stress and anxiety come from a busy mind ie. a busy agnya chakra in the forehead. You can pacify your agnya chakra with a simple two-word Sanskrit mantra. Try it now with this short guided meditation.
How to 'Detox' Your Past with a Lemon .
Buy a couple of lemons. Leave them to vibrate overnight in front of your meditation photo. Stick one in your pillow case with your head resting on the pillow when you're asleep, and place the other lemon at the foot of your bed. Throw them away when they go bad. The full-scale version of this treatment and much more effective is the 'Matka Treatment' that includes chillis with the lemons. There's an explainer picture of it here...
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Quote of the Week

 " Lemon has a coefficient. Now you know that we have cured many people with lemon and chillies. What happens [is] the lemon and chillies have a capacity to suck  vibrated water into themselves. They become vibrated themselves, what is called as jagrut — they become awakened. So in the night, when you open them, the vibrations travel out and create an atmosphere in which you start becoming one with your centre [normalised], and you lose your left [subconscious] and right [supraconscious] side movement. "

January 24th 1982, Lonvala (India).

What can I do when matters beyond my control give me anxiety?
In Reply:

You don't have to be in control for the matters to work out  in your favour; despite your anxiety.

It's like a person who has been rescued from the sea by a ship and continues to have nightmares about being in the sea. Then wakes up to find themselves safely in the ship.

The ship is the protective benevolence of providence ('paramachaitanya') that your awakened kundalini has joined you to.

Relax and find a way to enjoy the unfolding of events, confident in the knowledge that you'll always come out on top. 

Here's a meditation to evoke the power of providence on all the things that make you anxious.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Glow Up. How Skin Care Affects Your Health.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Glow Up. How Skin Care Affects Your Health.

Dear Friend,

I use some vaseline for my thick lips, to prevent them chapping in the cold weather and some after-shave lotion. And that's about it for my daily skin care routine.

Having read this articleWhy looking after your skin is so crucial to your long-term health, I may have to splash out a bit on skin care products. Or maybe not.

The gist of it is that your skin is your body's largest organ. As you slowly age, it's first visible on your face.

Common health issues, such as diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease, are mostly age-related. So health issues share the underlying mechanism ie. ageing, that causes wrinkles on the face.

Un-wrinkle your face and your heart is good. This may be an oversimplification. You'll have to read the article to get a fuller understanding.

With your daily kundalini meditation though,  you have an advantage in the skin care stakes.

When your kundalini rises and pierces your Sahasrara, the vibes flow down into your Nabhi chakra where a subtle process of 'digestion' takes place. 

The vibes are broken down into the tanmatras, which are the subtle form of the 5 elements of which the body is made.

For example, the subtle form of the light element is radiance. The subtle form of the water element is emollience.

So a radiance and emollience can start showing on your face. And your health improves.

The common underlying mechanism is your daily kundalini meditation. So there is some truth in what the new discoveries in science are saying about skin health and overall health. More below.

Also below: Book your free ticket to an enchanting evening; and, when it's cold outside, get warm inside with a meditation to clear your Nabhi and heart.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 20th January - Saptami (Lucky 7th); Thurs. 23rd - Navami (Be bold!); Sat. 25th - Ekadashi (Get rid of it!).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Click To Book Your Free Ticket - An Evening with Nidhi Bolar (Bharatanatyam Dance Concert) @ Nehru Centre in Mayfair.
You don't have to be an Indian classical dance enthusiast to enjoy this. In her movements, Nidhi, brings to life Ganesha and Krishna, the deities of your Mooladhara chakra (joy) and Vishuddhi chakra (sweetness), respectively. Go and see what that feels like...
Hygge - Creating a Warm Inner Feeling (a Meditation).
When it's cold outside, you can do what the Danish do and make 'hygge'. Hygge is whatever gives you that warm inner feeling of contentment: an open fire, a hot mug of chicken soup and lounging around in your favourite over-sized sweater. You can get a similar feeling with this short meditation on your Nabhi chakra and Heart...
Glow Up - Skin Care is Health Care.
You've heard me repeat this enough times now: It's been predicted in ancient yoga texts that at some point in future, human beings will no longer get sick or grow old.  Which means there must be a mechanism for it based on yoga. And indeed there is . Here's Shri Mataji describing how by the working of your kundalini you face gets a glow...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 "These five elements we are made of, these vibrations gradually start breaking into the subtler form of which they are made. The first element that comes out is light… “Tej” . Radiance is the subtlety of the light. So this radiance starts showing on your face.  We are also made of water. What is the subtle of water (?) [emollience]. The skin becomes soft. But this is the water in (you which) gives (you) that luster, that nourishment to make (your) skin very soft and that softness of the skin becomes very visible. "

December 16th 1998, New Delhi (India).

I used to quarrel a lot with my sister and our relationship wasn't so great. But since I've been doing kundalini meditation, she's noticed the change in me and has become more soft towards me. Now she's interested in learning about the meditation. How do I awaken her kundalini?
In Reply:

Invite her into your meditation space where you have your meditation photo and a lit candle. 

Request her to hold her palms open towards the photo and ask for her kundalini awakening as if she were asking a person actually physically present. Then request her to close her eyes.

With her eyes closed, hold your hand a few inches above her head to see whether you can begin to feel the 'cool breeze' of the rising kundalini.

You may have to slowly draw your right hand from her lower back to the top of her head a few times for her kundalini to come up.

Once her kundalini is up, support it with a kundalini bandhan and allow her to enjoy the peace of the spontaneous meditative experience that she's getting. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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