Your Need For Speed. Getting On Evolutionary Fast-Track.Dear Friend,
Here's some more useful science to digest over a coffee and chocolate croissant.
Last week's newsletter was about Junk DNA and Epigenetics. This week we'll see how Nature uses these to create a form of fast-track evolution for species adaptation to climate change.
The science can speak for itself, so below are 'clippings' from an article written in the current issue of New Scientist magazine by Kevin Lala, an evolutionary biologist.

The article goes on to say:
" The majority of those with low or no epigenetic inheritance went extinct, whereas other populations were able to survive and grow as a result of short-term adaptation through epigenetic change.
This established an evolutionary beachhead, creating time for slower genetic adaptation to take it's course.
This has implications for many organisms threatened by global warming."
If you're wondering what all this has to do with the price of onions, there's more below.
Also below: Lili Yang tells it like it is; and, a yoga pose for your inner strength.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 16th Dec. - Sankashti Chaturthi (difficult problems made easy); Sun. 22nd - Saptami (Your lucky 7th). |