Monday 14 October 2024

How Not To Lose Weight. Another Way to Transform Yourself.


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How Not To Lose Weight. Another Way to Transform Yourself.

Dear Friend,

If you were thinking of dropping a few pounds and were considering using Ozempic or Wegovy - 2 weight-loss drugs that are very popular at the moment - read the recent FT article below first.

Regeneron head says weight-loss drugs could 'cause more harm than good'

Regeneron is a Biotech company who themselves are developing drugs for the 'potentially $130bn-a-year' weight-loss market.

However, what they have discovered is that the 'success' of drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy is down to the weight reducing effect of the muscle wastage that accompanies it.

As the Regeneron head goes on to say, when people come off the drug, usually due to side-effects like nausea, then 'insult is added to injury' because extra fat replaces the muscle that was lost.

This might sound like the marketing-speak of a jealous competitor, but reference is made in the article to a JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 2024 study as evidence.

It seems then that the best way to shed some pounds may be by just sticking to exercise and diet.

In any case, we're more than our body. There's another way to transform yourself to make you feel good about yourself. More below.

Also below: Get fit and make friends by registering for dance & yoga classes at the Nehru Centre; and, a meditation for your happiness and well-being.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed/Thurs 16/17th Oct. - Kojagiri Purnima / Full Moon (Night of Ambrosia); Sun. 20th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Difficult problems easily solved).

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Register Now for Free Yoga & Dance Classes @Nehru Centre Mayfair.
If you were unable to get onto the summer session of these classes, registration is now open for a new session starting 19th October. But you'll have to be quick. This is your chance to immerse yourself in the sacredness of bodily movement , while getting fit and making new friends. Register now... 
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There are 3 things you can do straightaway to look after yourself: Be yourself, be creative and connect. Here's a short meditation to Be by nourishing your right swadisthana (creativity), left heart (your spirit) and sahasrara (connection)...
Another Way to Transform Yourself.
There may be a superhuman in all of us trying to get out. And kundalini is the way to get there according to these 7 predictions about the future of humanity. But why wait. With your daily kundalini meditation this is how you're transforming yourself now...
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Quote of the Week

"After realization you know everything [ie knowledge of the essence of things through vibrational awareness]. You’ve seen my photographs [emits vibes]. You have seen how Sahaja Yoga works [eg. how the meditation can solve your personal problems]. You’ve seen how you can raise the kundalini of people. You can feel the vibrations; you can feel others [ their state]. You can cure others. All this power is within you. But just to realize that power without ego is your strength."

October 8th 1989, Margate (England) 

A relative of mine has multiple sclerosis which is affecting their eyesight and legs. There is no cure for MS but is there any treatment in Sahaja yoga that may be able to help? 
In Reply:

In Sahaja yoga, ailments such as multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis, osteomyelitis and muscular dystrophy are classified as 'left-side' problems.

By 'left-side'  is meant that these conditions are partly triggered in Ida Nadi (subconscious) and therefore are psychosomatic in nature.

Psychosomatic illnesses tend to be incurable because conventional medicine has no way of integrating any other aspect of a person other than the physical, into an understanding of causes of disease.

The treatment for MS is by clearing ida nadi with candle flame in front of the meditation photo.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

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