Monday, 25 July 2022

Extension of Your Personality - How to Work Wonders With Your Hands.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Extension of Your Personality - How to Work Wonders With Your Hands.

Dear Friend,

I have to tell you about one of my favourite things about Italy, apart from the food (you've really never had a pasta dish or ice cream, until you've had them in Italy).

Apart from the rustic houses ( which seem to have been built just to have siesta in them on a hot afternoon).

And apart from it's sartorial style (all the Italian renaissance masters must have been reborn as designers at all of Italy's fashion brands).

It's watching Italians speak. With their hands. It's so expressive. There are, it's claimed, about 60 different hand gestures that can express anything from a plea to an insult.

So the Italians prove that your hands are really an extension of your personality. You might have shy hands, or kind hands, or generous hands, or artistic hands. But one thing everybody shares, once their kundalini is awakened, is the power to act with the hands on the invisible to bring about change.

You can work wonders with your hands. More below.

Also below: Why you need to get Nicki Wells on your Spotify playlist; and how you can resolve life issues by doing the inner work via your stomach ( nabhi chakra & void). 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Nicki Wells - Music to Transport You. 
If you listen to music on Spotify (and even if you don't) then getting Nicki Wells on your playlist is an absolute must. It can literally make a difference to your experience of meditation . Some of the tracks listed on her page are sung to help make your chakras blossom like the lotus flowers that they are. The reason the effects can be so powerful is because Nicki was born with her kundalini already awakened and has been practicing Sahaja yoga ever since she can remember...
Fire & Water - Your World is In Your Stomach So Work Things Out From There.
Whatever is going on with you - your personal/family life, your work life, your finances, your health  - are rooted in your stomach. In Sahaja yoga, this is represented by your nabhi chakra and void . Your Nabhi is made up of the two elements of fire and water. To work things out and bring about change and improvement in most areas of your life , you need to work out your nabhi. Here's a short meditation to help you... 
Why Your Hands Are Powerful & How To Use Them In a New Way.
Two of the most powerful chakras that you have in your body are your Lalita chakra, located a few inches down from your left shoulder, and your Shri chakra in the same place on your right side. These chakras give a certain dynamic to your hands that they didn't have before. With this you can manipulate the tangible but invisible vibes to manoeuvre chakras and heal yourself or others. You can communicate with Nature through the vibes you feel on your hands, plus more . Here's Shri Mataji explaining Shri & Lalita chakra...
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Quote of the Week

 "If you start working with your hands, you will be surprised your thoughts will stop. Use your hands. Your thoughts will be much less. Try to do some things with your hands. Try to do, whatever is possible, whatever you want to do." 

September 26th 1980, Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England).

" Could you please explain to me how a 'bandhan' works again. I was in some potential difficulty yesterday so I gave it a bandhan directly after my meditation, and today I've discovered that the problem has solved itself. Was it just coincidence?"
In Reply:

Notea 'bandhan' is made by symbolically writing down a problem/issue in the centre of your left palm and then slowly rotating your right hand clockwise over it, until you feel a distinct sensation of coolness on top of your head]

Here's how/why it works:

Your left hand represents your power of desire and your right hand represents your power of action. The centre of your palm corresponds to your sahasrara chakra through which your kundalini connects you to the self-organising principle of nature ('paramachaitanya').

So when you 'give a bandhan', you're putting your desire into action by giving it to the universe to solve, based on the fact of your kundalini connection.

The main thing is that it works, so what you choose to call it afterwards ('coincidence') probably doesn't make much difference.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Monday, 18 July 2022

Why You're Capable Of So Much More - Your Power Of Pure Desire.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You're Capable Of So Much More - Your Power Of Pure Desire.

Dear Friend,

"The definition of madness", according to a well-known quote, "is doing the same thing and expecting a different result" . By that definition, we may all be slightly mad.

If you've ever longed for something different  in your personal or work life but carried on with the habits you are comfortable with, then you'll know what I'm talking about.

It's called the law of inertia in physics and even applies to your meditation practice.

Although kundalini awakening itself can lead to sometimes quite dramatic positive change in an individual's fortunes (eg. getting cured of something, finding emotional fulfilment, getting a better job and more money ), settling into a routine meditation practice is just self-maintenance.

What you're maintaining is your ongoing peace and wellbeing. But you're capable of so much more. You're tapping just a little of the huge potential of your kundalini.

To get more, desire more and your kundalini responds by giving you more. This is the definition of pure desire. In Indian iconography, this desire is imagined as the Goddess Mahakali, described below.

Also below: the healing powers of oil in the navel; and how stilling your breath stills your mind.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Belly Love - Doing Nabhi Chikitsa For Your Health & Wellbeing. 
According to Ayurveda there are 72,000 nadis /energy channels that radiate from the navel to every part of the body. This is why putting a few drops of oil ( eg. almond, coconut, sesame) into your belly button before bedtime can have a wide range of beneficial health effects such as healing gastro-intestinal issues and  improving eye-sight. Here's what you need to know...
Living Statue - How to Achieve Peace & Mental Silence Using Kumbhaka.
'Kumbhaka' is the practice of breath retention or breath control in yoga. As your breath is, so is your state of mind and awareness. Pause your breath and it becomes easier to make your mind stand still. Just make yourself like a living statue. Here is a short guided meditation using kumbhaka to help you achieve a deeper state of peace, and give you a more effective connection at sahasrara chakra...
Mahakali (The Power Of Pure Desire) - She Who Deceives To Cure.
The energy of your left channel is ruled by the Goddess Mahakali, according to yoga. Your left channel represents your emotional life and your subconscious. It is She who gives you your sleep, soothes and protects you and is the desire within you. She also cures your illnesses, both in the body and in the psyche. And here is why She sometimes has to deceive you... 
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Quote of the Week

 "Sahaja Yoga is a great blessing... [you're] in shelter [connection through your kundalini with] Param Chaitanya [self-organising principle of Nature]
Everyone sends letters to me asking, kindly tell me how .. this miracle has happened; that problem is solved.
[I'm ] amused that you don’t even know where you are sitting [ what you have achieved through kundalini awakening]

So the horizon we are living on, is all illusion [maya] and we must step into the depth of reality. Once [you] get there, [you] feel that everything is happening [working out] by itself and [you don't actually do] anything..." 

January 1st 1994, Ardha Matra TV Interview - translated from hindi (India).

" A friend of mine got their kundalini awakening at the same time as I did. But I carried on with regular meditation and they didn't. Does their kundalini go back to sleep?"
In Reply:

The analogy is like this :

Person A and person B each have an important appointment to go to. But when their respective alarm clocks go off in the morning, person A wakes up and gets ready but person B hits the snooze button and continues sleeping.

In the second round of sleep, person B may dream that they've woken up and are getting ready for the appointment but it will be an illusion.

If after a period of snooze, person B's alarm clock goes off again, they may yet make the appointment or discover that they have dozed through it.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.