Why You're Capable Of So Much More - Your Power Of Pure Desire. Dear Friend,
"The definition of madness", according to a well-known quote, "is doing the same thing and expecting a different result" . By that definition, we may all be slightly mad.
If you've ever longed for something different in your personal or work life but carried on with the habits you are comfortable with, then you'll know what I'm talking about.
It's called the law of inertia in physics and even applies to your meditation practice.
Although kundalini awakening itself can lead to sometimes quite dramatic positive change in an individual's fortunes (eg. getting cured of something, finding emotional fulfilment, getting a better job and more money ), settling into a routine meditation practice is just self-maintenance.
What you're maintaining is your ongoing peace and wellbeing. But you're capable of so much more. You're tapping just a little of the huge potential of your kundalini.
To get more, desire more and your kundalini responds by giving you more. This is the definition of pure desire. In Indian iconography, this desire is imagined as the Goddess Mahakali, described below.
Also below: the healing powers of oil in the navel; and how stilling your breath stills your mind.
Best wishesP. PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down. |