Monday, 27 June 2022

You've Passed This Way Before - Deja Vu & Your Distant Past.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

You've Passed This Way Before - Deja Vu & Your Distant Past.

Dear Friend,

I've had two memorable feelings of deja vu when first travelling to places I'd never been to before.

One was when I was standing in a souk in Manama, Bahrain and catching the scent of oud (agarwood burnt for it's fragrance in Arabic countries).

The second feeling of deja vu was when alighting in Mumbai  and being hit by the contrast of the chaotic noisiness of the traffic and the spiritual silence lurking beneath that.

If you've had similar experiences of deja vu, then it does hint at another you in another life time. The significance of your kundalini awakening is based on a kind of trial-and-error over many life times.

She's a 'tape-recorder' of all your previous lives waiting to bring you to the point of self-realisation.

Knowing this alone is enough to deepen your meditative experience. More below.

Also below: transport yourself to another time and place with some music therapy for your heart and emotions; and, nurturing your inner moon for better harmony.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Music Therapy - Raag Bhairavi On Sarangi. 
The sarangi is a stringed instrument that evokes the desert and palaces of Rajasthan in India , and has a soothing feel to it.  Raag Bhairavi is an indian classical composition that works on your heart and emotions. When Raag Bhairavi is played on a sarangi, the effect is very therapeutic. Especially if you've had a hard day. Stick your headset on and listen to this to transport yourself to a place far away...
Drawing Down The Moon - Nurturing Your Emotional Life.
Balance is key. All that time you spend thinking, planning and working may get you ahead in your career and that's great, but it's easy to lose the harmonious balance of your left (moon) and right (sun) channels as a result. While your right is busy doing; your left (emotional life) may suffer neglect. Here's a short guided meditation to draw down the moon and nurture your emotional life... 
How Reincarnation Works.
A question often asked about reincarnation is : " If everybody alive is reincarnating, where is the increase in the world's population coming from?". The answer is from 'transmigration' . If you don't believe in reincarnation then transmigration will be even harder to swallow. It's when Fido, your neighbour's dog, who seemed already to be expressing the full range of human emotions from happiness to sadness, decides to come back on two legs the next time round. Anyway, believe it or not, here's how reincarnation works according to Shri Mataji...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 " soon as you talk about past lives [reincarnation], people ask me, “Mataji, tell me about my past lives.” The life that has passed, why do you want to know that? Whether you were a king or a pauper, what difference [does that] make?  " 

December 8th 1973, Mumbai (India).

" I'm travelling to India next month and would love to visit and meditate in some of it's famous spiritual pilgrimage sites. We'll be based in Mumbai. Could you recommend  a few places we could go?"
In Reply:

Yes. If you get a chance, visit Saptashrungi ( 'the Goddess who rests on seven peaks') near Nasik and Ashtavinayak ( 'the eight Vinayakas - remover of obstacles') near Pune. Both locations are a day-trip from Mumbai.

What makes them special, is that they are 'swayambhus', meaning natural rock formations resembling Indian deities which emit powerful vibes.

Without kundalini awakening and the ability to feel vibes, it would be difficult to fully appreciate the power of Saptashrungi or Ashtavinayak. They represent the kundalini and mooladhara chakra respectively.

Standing next to them is like standing near a powerful magnet which can have an energising and transformative effect on your own kundalini and chakras.

Avoid and ignore the commercialisation that has sprung up around the sites.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Monday, 20 June 2022

How Not To Burn-Out - Getting Your Perspective Right.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How Not To Burn-Out - Getting Your Perspective Right.

Dear Friend,

Someone I know was telling me the other day how they'd taken a sabbatical from their stressful job because of burn-out.

They looked fine to me but burn-out is as much a mental state as a physical one. Or it could have been because we were having the conversation at a Sahaja yoga meditation session.

An NHS mental health website defines five of the symptoms of burn-out as:
  • Feeling tired or drained most of the time
  • Feeling detached/ alone in the world.
  • Having a cynical/ negative outlook
  • Procrastinating and taking longer to get things done
  • Self-doubt
If you were to ask 10 of your friends whether they ticked any of these boxes, 5.2 of your friends, apparently, would say that they did (16 Employee Burnout Statistics You Can't Ignore).

A key ingredient for Happiness, according to Positive Psychology, is being engaged in something that you find meaningful. A first step then to protecting yourself from burn-out might be to find something you enjoy doing and which is meaningful for you and divert some of your energy into that on the side. 

A change in perspective can also help of which more below.

Also below: the uses and benefits of frankincense; and a mantra meditation to achieve mental silence.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Holy Smoke - The Uses & Benefits Of Frankincense. 
If you've ever wondered why it is that when you walk into a Chelsea SY meditation session on a Tuesday evening, you feel immediately calmed and uplifted at the same time, it could be because of the meditative Indian classical music playing in the background. But contributing to that is the few drops of frankincense oil in an oil burner to the side. Recreate the effect in your meditation space at home . Here are the additional benefits you get from frankincense...
Still Lake, Still Mind - A Mantra For Mental Silence & Peace.
A still lake is a picture of your mind at rest . No ripples. No thoughts . Sitting quietly your kundalini, like a boat, will take you there. Paddle a little with these oars and then let them go. Here's the mantra for 'nirvi- chara' ('thoughtless awarenesss') . Just listen and then rest...
Change Your Perspective By Seeing The Bigger Picture.
Take a walk on the wild side. Sometimes you've just got to get away from it all by going out into Nature and reconnecting to something vital that gives you a fresh perspective on things. And while you're contemplating water and mountains, let this sink in : the Creator is a Living Mother , according to the Indian philosophy of the Divine Feminine ('Shakti'). This is how it happens...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 "  She [Adi Shakti /'Primordial Mother'] creates all the universes ('Bhuvanas'/ worlds)...there are 14 Bhuvanas, means, many, many universes make one Bhuvana. And She creates all these things on the right hand side. Then She goes up and then She descends down creating all the chakras – 'Adi chakras' [energy template of the cosmos] or the pitas [Roots of ] . She comes down, makes all these pitas and then She settles as the Kundalini. But Adi Shakti is not fully the Kundalini, we can say, the Kundalini is a part of it. The rest of the work is much more than this. Now, once this has happened, then She creates human beings - not directly, but through the evolutionary process. First hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and all of these things were mixed up and [then] nitrogen comes into play and [then] a living process starts.  " 

June 21st 1998, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

" On average, how long should I have been meditating before I start to feel and see the benefits?"
In Reply:

It's like taking a cold drink in hot weather when you're thirsty - it should hit the spot straightaway. So you get the feeling of calm every time you meditate.

What a sustained, regular practice - even over a few weeks - will achieve for you is a physical and mental make-over . 

You'll look and feel good. Sitting in on a group meditation: Mondays over Zoom or Tuesdays in-person in Chelsea,  should accelerate the benefits.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.