Tuesday, 28 September 2021

About Your Match On That Dating App? First Check The Vibes.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

About Your Match On That Dating App? First Check The Vibes.

Dear Friend,

Yes, you could meet the love of your life on a dating app or you could meet someone who was just expressing their creative side while writing their profile.

Save yourself the waste of time and embarrassment of a dud encounter by first checking their vibes. The vibes don't lie.

And if you don't use dating apps but want to spot and then steer clear of the psychopath in the office, yep, check the vibes.

One of the very useful abilities that you gain from daily kundalini meditation, is the ability to feel the vibes of another person when you pay meditative attention to them. The wonder of it is that you could be sitting in London and the other person could be in New York or Sydney and you'd still be able to feel their vibes.

The only thing then is how do you interpret what you're feeling and then decide based on it? All revealed below. 

Also below: foot massage for overall health; and listening to a chant for your financial independence.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
FootCare - How To Do A 5-Minute Foot Massage.
Don't neglect to look after your feet. They are a map of your whole body and whatever tensions and conditions exist in the body are reflected in your feet. Also the chakras are in the feet and if you have any energy blocks these can be cleared by massaging your feet. The best time to give yourself a foot massage is directly after a footsoak in the evening after a busy day. Coconut or almond oil  are good...
Mantra For Financial Independence.
You've got to start from somewhere. Even if you're not currently spending your free time in a coffee shop writing a future block-buster best-sellar or researching the market for your potentially money-spinning start-up idea, you could get the right vibes flowing now by listening to this Sanskrit chant to help blossom the lotus of wealth (Nabhi chakra) within you and remove any obstacles ...
How To Read The Vibes Of People Better @Work &Play.
Go into meditation. When you can feel your kundalini as a coolness on your head and a coolness on your palms, just let it flow for a moment. Now pay meditative attention to the person whose vibes you want to feel. If you begin to notice a numbness or tingling on any particular finger, compare with this photo which gives a rough guide to what each finger means. Here is the power of your hands...  
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Quote of the Week

" ...you are an instrument most beautifully made. Absolutely so beautifully made that once you discover it you will be amazed as to what you are. The reason is the self-esteem, is not possible because you have not known your ‘Self’... You have not known your own beauty.... I can see that spirit; I see that the path remains. And I know that with little patience I will work it out; the clouds will go away and you will shine in your own beauty. It works out through this awakening of the Kundalini "

September 29th 1980, Public Program, Zurich (Switzerland).

" I do healing work, mostly using reiki. How can I use the kundalini to help with my healing work? "
In Reply:

Real healing has to come from within and not from outside because the root cause to a problem is never apparent; but your mother kundalini knows.

The kundalini has been described as a 'tape recorder' of all your previous lives and who you are today and what ails you could be a carry-over from a previous life.

So for that reason, the Kundalini is her own mistress and cannot be 'used' as such. It would be like trying to teach a mother how to breast-feed her own child.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

What To Tell Your Boss - Work Blues & A 1400 Year Old Prediction.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 What To Tell Your Boss - Work Blues & A 1400 Year Old Prediction.

Dear Friend,

Does returning to your place of work feel a bit like an anti-climax? Then you're not alone. Last week, the London Evening Standard featured this story : 'Has The Pandemic Killed Ambition', about how the taster we've all had of an alternative way of living, means that, beyond paying the bills, work is no longer the front and centre of our lives.

If you're a freelance digital native who is able to work on a laptop from a beach in the Bahamas, then you're probably an 'early adopter' of  a work-life/leisure balance advertised by Tim Ferriss in his 2007 bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek. 

But before Ferriss, the British Economist , John Maynard Keynes, wrote in 1930, Economic Possibilities For Our Grandchildren, in which he speculated that technological advancement would mean that we'd be working 15-hour weeks, with the rest of the time spent on leisure or other activities that made as feel like whole human beings. [see: It's time to put the 15-hour workweek back on the agenda].

And way, way before Keynes; 1,400 years before, a yogi/ astrologer called Sri Kaagapujandar in Southern India, scribbling on palm leaves , predicted a kind of Utopia, not exactly of people whiling away their time strumming guitars in a field and being fed grapes, but close.

So if you are feeling the work blues, historical trend as well as prophecy is on your side, just tell your boss you'd like to spend more time working from/ at home.

Below are the seven predictions from 1,400 years ago, about a coming Utopia, by Kaagapujandar in which 'yoga' plays an key part.

Also below: Building a better life by stealing office supplies (yes, you read that right, but it's the title of a book :o)); and, the power of a photo to raise your kundalini.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Humour Recommendation - 'Build A Better Life By Stealing Office Supplies'.
I used to keep a copy of this book in my office drawer, and take a dip into it to regain my sense of humour after certain work meetings. You can ignore the advice about stealing office supplies - you could get caught - but you should check out the cartoon about performance reviews and pay rises being handed out on post-it notes. Plus, taking it to the brink with your boss by dancing on their desk, safe in the knowledge that it's not covered in the disciplinary code of conduct. 
The Power Of The Photo - Kundalini Awakening Using Yoga Of The Hands.
A photograph of a person captures not only their likeness but also some of their vibes. In Sahaja yoga it's possible to diagnose the health of someone just from the vibes of their photo. To meet Shri Mataji in person was like encountering all the forces of Nature in concentrated form and this photo captures some of that. As a result it can make your kundalini rise if you use it like this...
Escaping Work Blues - A 1400 Yr Old  Prediction.
The main concern of life won't be about work and money, but a blissed out state of being with the possibility of enjoying the full richness of life. This is one  of the seven prophecies from 1,400 years ago about how the transformation of human beings through yoga will lead to a change in how society works. If you needed a reason to be regular with your Sahaja yoga meditation , then this is it . Here are all 7 prophecies...  
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Quote of the Week

"This is a state in which you will be amazed so many things happen, unknowingly. Without your doing anything, and that is what we call as coincidences, but actually it is NOT coincidences, it is the state in which [You] are in thoughtless awareness and then the 'Paramachaitanya' [self-organising principle of Nature] ... works out everything ." 

October 1st 1995, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

" Why is it that on some mornings I feel the vibes stronger than on some other mornings? When the vibes are strong, I've noticed that it's very easy to meditate and go quiet in my head. The day also usually goes very well."
In Reply:

There could be a couple of reasons. If you've slept very well and feel completed rested - especially if you're in the habit of foot soaking before bedtime - then you're more likely to be better centered and will feel the vibes better in the morning.

It could also be due to what day of the lunar month it is . The vibes are known to be stronger on certain lunar days than others, because of how the particular moon phases exert an influence on the earth. 

As far as how your day goes better on the days of strong vibes and good meditation, here's a quote from Shakespeare, that may give a hint as to what's going on:

"There is a tide [moon] in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood [high tide due to moon's pull], leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures." - Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3.

According to this, on mornings you feel the vibes stronger and have a good meditation, It's a lucky day and you should try something adventurous :o).

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.