Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Getting Over Your Past, The Easy Way - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

Dear Friend,

Fear of heights, a lack of confidence and habits that we find hard to get rid of, all come from the subconscious mind, also referred to as the unconscious. It is the store house of all repressed memory and complexes, that not only makes us who we are but also determines how far we get in life.

About the the unconscious, Carl Jung said: " Until you make the unconscious conscious , it will direct your life and you will call it fate" .  But it may not be necessary or desirable - for example , a repressed memory of a traumatic past event - to make the unconscious conscious in order to become the full captain of your ship .

When you meditate daily, your kundalini is taking care of it, by 'curing' your past - explained below.

Also below: uses for dead sea salt and the advantage of developing your 6th sense.

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why You'll Want To Include Some Dead Sea Salt In Your Health Regime.
A person can't sink in the Dead Sea. The water is so dense because of the high salt concentration , that the body becomes like a beach ball - push it under and it comes up again. But more useful than it's bouyancy, is the fact the salt contains about 21 health-giving minerals in it, including zinc, iodine and magnesium. Get your Dead Sea Salt online and use it in a foot detox like this
A Face in The Crowd - Using Your 6th Sense (Vibratory Awareness).
When you meet someone for the first time, you really don't know them from Adam. If the interaction is brief and passing, it probably doesn't matter. However, if there's an element of trust involved, then having a 6th sense could help you avoid certain situations. You could call it intuition, but it's more than that. Here it is , described as 'vibratory awareness'...
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Curing Your Past.
As deep as the ocean is, that's how deep your subconscious is, containing within itself all of your past , not only of this lifetime but also of your previous lives. And your kundalini is like a tape recording of all this. She knows who you are, what you have been and what you can be. She cures your past by working on your left channel / ida nadi like this...
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Quote of the Week

" It’s so many miracles that in this short speech I won’t be able to tell you all of them but you’ll find it in your life itself, how this power of love, that you have within your heart, has protected you. I have seen people who are very hot tempered, who are angry type, who are all the time making other’s life miserable, become extremely beautiful, nice people. With this light of love, you love yourself in the right way. And you give up all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence in the collectivity of human beings. Because it’s the Spirit which enlightens your – all the powers. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the world. Then your attention goes to all the people who are in trouble, who are suffering, who need help. And with this attention, which is so enlightened, you can solve their problems sitting down here."

August 3rd 1993, Shakti Puja, Tolyatti (Russia).
" I feel the vibrations moving anticlockwise on my hand and above my head when I meditate. What does that mean? "
In Reply:

That's OK. The Kundalini heals , so all her working, all her movement is to heal you.

The chakras spin in a clockwise direction when viewed from the front but in an anticlockwise direction when viewed from behind. The chakras actually lie in a horizontal plane, so by the 'spin' is meant the direction a vertical cogged wheel would be turning if enmeshed with a horizonal wheel.

The one-on-one workshops at the end of the group meditation sessions makes use of this understanding to help to clear chakras. When the experienced meditator is behind you, they are moving their hand in an anticlockwise direction over a blocked chakra to clear it.

This is why the workshops can give you the feeling of weights being lifted off you and lead to healing on many different levels. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

How To Stop Yourself From Worrying - 3 Ways That Really Work.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Stop Yourself From Worrying.

Dear Friend,

According to various online sources, we each spend about 2 hours a day worrying and our favourite topics are: money and job security, relationships and health.

A little worry can be useful if it resolves you on a course of positive action that removes the worry. However, if you find yourself mentally playing on repeat worst-case scenarios to the point where you can't get to sleep at night, then, clearly, you're not doing yourself  much good.

Here are 3 suggestions for breaking out of the worry loop.

1. Talk to someone. The reason the worry is going round and round in your head is because it has no outlet. Let it out by sharing. The person you tell it to might have just the solution.

2. Thought experiment. Mentally take yourself through the worst case scenario, deciding what you'd do if it happened . Draw strength. Now replay the experiment envisaging all the different ways the worst case would not actually happen.

3. Focused meditation. Get up early in the morning for a week and put the issue into meditation. When you connect, the whole universe has got your back. More about this below.

Also below: An appreciation of a new book by Isabel Allende and how to talk to your kundalini to get a deeper and more fruitful meditation.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Book Recommendation - Isabel Allende Interview With Christiane Amanpour.
"Kundalini is a woman. She's the Shakti, She's Your Mother" , said Shri Mataji. If human history is a pendulum between current patriarchy and matriarchy, it's now swinging the other way. Famous author, Isabel Allende lays out the necessity in this book of wisdom, distilled from a life of experiences growing up in Machismo Latin America.
Words Into Action- 8-Minute Guided Meditation On Kundalini.
Your Kundalini is your 'Mother' and like any mother, She wants to give Her child all that the child asks for. And what She gives is peace , satisfaction , security, contentment, fearlessness, and many other things . Simply expressing a wish for any of these during meditation, causes the Kundalini to move to give you the desired experience. Try with this... 
How To Stop Yourself From Worrying - The Universe Has Got Your Back
If you find yourself worrying about obstacles ahead of you that you have no power over, then meditation really is the key. In the experiences of many people practising sahaja yoga meditation, lost causes, hopeless situations and imminent threats have all been turned around  simply through connecting with the benevolent universe - described here...
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Quote of the Week

" So, your first stage is thoughtlessness. You are in present when you are thoughtless. Normally you are either in future or in the past. You get their thoughts only. But the moment Kundalini gets awakened, you get stable at the point between these two thoughts, where present exists. 

In this thoughtlessness, you are completely aware. At that moment you grow spiritually. So, you have to do meditation. You get into meditation. While meditating you become thoughtless. At that moment you will feel peace."

December 8th 1993, Public Program, Kurushetra (India).
" Will becoming a vegetarian help me make more progress with my meditation? "
In Reply:

Possibly but not necessarily. It depends on your body constitution or what is described in Ayurvedic medicine as your 'dosha' . The  doshas are of three types: 'Pitta' , 'Kapha' and 'Vata' and correspond to the right channel ('pingala nadi'), left channel ('ida nadi') and central channel ('sushumna' ) respectively in Sahaja Yoga.

So, if you lean more towards the Pitta -type or if you tend to be more right-sided, which can be  indicated by futuristic thinking, overthinking, over-analysing, insomnia etc. then cutting down on protein in the diet, and increasing the vegetables would cool down an overactive liver and make it easier to meditate.

However, if you're a Kapha-type or tend to be left-sided, then taking to a vegetarian diet could 'aggravate' a lethargic liver and push you further to the left, which would be characterised by low energy, lack of drive or motivation, resulting, perhaps, in less interest in maintaining a meditation practice .

As with everything in Sahaja Yoga, stay in balance by keeping to the happy medium - not too much and not too little of anything. And learn to listen to your body to tell you what it wants; it's wiser than your head.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Why You're Growing Younger - What Youu Should Know About Your Telomeres.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You're Growing Younger.

Dear Friend,

At some point in the future there'll be no need for hospitals because people will no longer get sick or grow old. That's the 14,000 year-old prophecy of an Indian yogi-astrologer, Acharya Bhujandar. But is this even biologically possible?

Turns out it is possible. In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn (University of California, Berkeley) won the Nobel prize in Medicine for discovering the process of how the human body ages ('telomeres'), and the reversible mechanism involved (telomere length restoration)  ie. anti-ageing. Because ageing is a risk factor for a whole range of health issues such as cardiovascular, dementia, diabetes etc, sickness and growing old are closely bound together.

In later research that Dr. Blackburn carried out in collaboration with others, a link was proved  between meditation and telomere length restoration. This means that meditation can make you younger . Stress does the opposite - Wall Street magazine 19/01/2018.

A Google Trends report shows that word searches for "meditation" and "mindfulness" are now widespread across the globe, meaning that most of humanity is on the right track. But 'herd immunity' from illness and ageing can only happen when meditation becomes as easy as breathing for everybody.

This is what your kundalini does. Below is how your kundalini rejuvenates you.

Also below, a note about resuming face-to-face meditation sessions after lockdown and a soundbath meditation.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Would You Be Interested In Meeting Up For In-Person Free Meditation Classes?
As we begin to emerge from lockdown and as summer approaches, we'll look into resuming our in-person weekly meditation sessions, subject, of course, to being able to organise it in a way that is safe for everybody. You may be just as happy with the online meditation sessions but if you'd like the option of the face to face meetings then click on the thumbs up .
Transport Yourself To Another Place With This Sound Bath Meditation.
When you're listening to music you're automatically in the moment , which makes it a good aid for meditation. If the music/sound is also in tune with your chakras then when you close your eyes and listen you may begin to feel the inner dimensions of yourself. This 20 minute playlist works on your mooladhara, swadisthan , heart and sahasrara chakras...
Why You're Growing Younger - The Anti-Ageing Effect Of Kundalini.
Your birthdays could at some point roll by without you noticing them. The rejuvenating effect of kundalini, mentioned in old yoga literature , does begin to show on you with daily meditation and is a good marker for your progress. When your kundalini pierces Sahasrara, the vibes flow down into Nabhi chakra then this happens ...
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Quote of the Week

" So please, please try to see for yourself, please forgive yourselves - very important. This is, I am talking about the realm of love where all these things do not exist. Now see for yourself, love and compassion. Compassion and love for yourself and for others. Now please put your right hand towards Me, once again and see with the left hand on your 'talu' [MEANS Fontanel Bone Area]. Just move your hand. Now in the both the hands if you put like this towards Me. Open your eyes, there is no need to close the eyes. And see if there is cool or hot breeze coming onto your fingertips or into your palm. Just see. Called as 'spanda' [MEANS Vibration],"

April 17th 2000, Public Program, New Delhi (India).
" Can you explain the coincidences I've been getting? I'm not complaining; they're positive and help me in some way, but I'm curious how just meditating can lead to them "
In Reply:

You can think of it like this : your kundalini is your ;wi-fi' connection that's been switched on. If you're searching for something or need help with something , the spiritual equivalent of a google search of the whole internet ('paramachaitanya') kicks in and gives you a 'hit' (coincidence).

The 'made to order' nature of the coincidences is what makes them stand out from normal coincidences that can happen to anybody.

Regular sahaja yoga meditation gives you a stronger 'wi-fi' signal.

See: How You're Helped By Miracles Through Kundalini Awakening.