Tuesday, 26 January 2021

How To Protect Yourself.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Protect Yourself.

Dear Friend,

Fish get wet from swimming in the sea. The environment that we move about in affects us. This is not about pollution , but about a more subtle effect at the level of the vibes, that comes from the spaces that we move in , and the people we interact with. Below, is how not to suck in any feelings, moods and emotions that are not yours.

Also below, some music therapy wrapped in a guided meditation for you; and, have you considered liberating yourself from a cookie-cutter existence and doing something for yourself?

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Soothe, Heal , Relax: A Music Therapy Meditation 
Your body is like a musical instrument , and when you're 'out of tune', it's difficult to feel relaxed and harmonious. Stress of any kind can quickly put you out of tune . But listening to the right music can quickly put you back in tune. Indian classical music is perfect for that. The following guided meditation includes short samples of relaxing music by some of the best Indian classical musicians (right). Put your headphones on, close your eyes,relax..
Now Maybe A Chance To Make A Break For Freedom
The pandemic has caused a lot of soul-searching for many people. If life can be this fragile, shouldn't we aim for something more meaningful in our lives that better defines us as individuals?  According to several surveys, starting up your own thing may be the way to go .....read the story here
How To Raise Your Kundalini & Protect Yourself
 Have you bumped into anyone recently? No? You Have. Every time you've interacted with somebody, your aura has 'bumped' into their's. If they're friends of yours then you may have felt uplifted in some way - the definition of friendship - but random interactions, like mixing colour palettes, may send a swirl of darker shades through your aura , affecting energy, moods , emotions. Protect your aura like this...
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Quote of the Week
"This power of Adi Shakti['Primordial Mother'], which we call 'Paramchaitanya' ['all-pervading energy of existence] is the power that loves you, has complete control of the Nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life. It is with you entirely as if, supposing you fall into a river which is flowing fast and you cannot swim anymore, you cannot use your hands anymore. You start flowing with it and then you realise that flowing with it is a better thing than to try to get out of it. But just flowing with it. Just enjoy it — all the Nature around you. You don’t get drowned. On the contrary, you feel you are elevated and you’re flowing with it and then you understand, “What am I to do about something when it’s done by Paramchaitanya for me?” But, then it should be given to your Kundalini which has worked it out, has put you onto that shore..."
26th June 1994, Cabella (Italy) -

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

How To Get Out Of Mental Traps.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Getting Out Of The Trap Of Your Mind.

Dear Friend,

The way we sometimes think about things can bind us in a world-view that is quite different from the reality. This could apply to a particular situation we're in or guessing at another person's motivations in our social interactions, for example.

Thinking arises from the mind, and the mind can deceive itself. Below is a suggestion for learning to get out of the trap of the mind.

Also below, saving the planet by meditating more and, if you practice yoga, how to practice wisely or mindfully. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Can Kundalini Meditation Save The Planet?
INSEAD, the European Business School, included Sahaja Yoga meditation on an Executive Education Program , and discovered that it influenced business leaders to make more environmentally sustainable decisions. At the UN headquarters, New York, 1990, this is the connection Shri Mataji made between en masse kundalini awakening and saving the planet.... 
If You Practice Yoga, You Need To Know This.
With 9 million subscribers, 'Yoga with Adriene' is the most popular YouTube channel for anyone wanting to get in shape by watching free yoga videos. There's one thing to note however: 'downward dog' may not be for everyone. Here's a nudge to put some intelligence into your practice by choosing the asanas that are right for you... 
Mind-Trap: Freeing Yourself From What's Going On In Your Head.
 If you're being attacked by a flying, fire-breathing dragon, and are frightened , it goes away when you take that VR headset off. Similarly, the mind can act like a VR headset when you're faced with challenges in daily life, and that is why learning to go beyond the mind can be a real 'super-power' that allows you to always come out on top...
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Quote of the Week
"You don’t have to know everything just now, first if you get your light, in that light will understand what you are, and what is the aim of your life what is the meaning of your life, what’s the identity of your life. This is for the transformation of the whole world, they call it the age of enlightenment, age of Aquarius, it’s a fact.(...)... what is needed is a simple understanding that you are spirit and that you have every right to get into union with this all-pervading power, which is the ocean of knowledge, which is the ocean of compassion, ocean of bliss, bliss and above all is the ocean of forgiveness. This power is understanding all of you, individually, this power coordinates cooperates, organizes everything. Look at these flowers, you can see from it, thank God genetics have now come to our help, even if you see the endocrines there are target cells which attack the targets, can you imagine the amount of organization it is to what details it works?  "
Sunday 13th September 1992, Vancouver (Canada) - 'How To Transform The Human Awareness '

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

You're Built For Bliss.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

You're Built For Bliss.

Dear Friend,

In the midst of what we're going through at the moment, joy and bliss may seem like a rare and distant experience . However, that's what we're biologically wired for. Our highs, joyful moods and feelings of happiness come from the endorphins and serotonin that the body produces.

Kundalini meditation seems to turn the dial up on this and lead to the experience of what is described as 'nirananda' below.

Also below : is Mother Nature doing a silent 'upgrade' of human beings?  And how to get into your 'flow state' while working from home.
Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
What's Next? 7 Million Years Of Human Evolution.
Could en masse spontaneous kundalini awakening be Mother Nature's way of 'upgrading' human beings? According to fossil records from paleontology, there have been some 14 previous versions of human species that went extinct. Our nearest relatives were Neanderthals who disappeared about 40,000 years ago.  Here's a look back.
Flow State: Getting More Done With Less Effort.
It may sometimes feel like 'doing time' with enforced home-working, but you can alleviate the downside by taking a leaf from positive psychology and getting into your 'flow state'. This is when you're happy, energised and meaningfully challenged by what you're doing. How you start your day, has a lot to do with it.  Discover the key to flow with this guided meditation...
You're Built For Bliss - Tasting Paradise.
 When the kundalini rises and enters the limbic area of the brain(Sahasrara chakra) , she spreads out across the top of the head. As more strands of the kundalini enter the sahasrara it begins to flow through a yogic opening at the top of the head called the 'brahmarandra' and merges with the energy of existence. At this stage comes a meditative bliss, called 'nirananda' . Here's a taste of it...
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Quote of the Week
"You became a human being effortlessly and if you have to go further it has to be effortless. Everything vital is always effortless. If you have to breathe and for breathing if you have to go to libraries and go to some guru and pay him some money, how many will survive? It is so vital that it has to happen. The only difference in this evolution and the evolutions so far we have had is this, that you being free, you are going to feel it in your awareness. Before this you never felt it in your awareness. Only at this time you are going to feel it in your awareness, that you have become the other person, that a cocoon has become the butterfly, that an egg has become a bird. You can feel it within yourself this happening, you can absolutely monitor it within yourself and you are aware of it that this has happened to me. This is a blessing placed within you since long and that’s why it is 'Sahaja', means 'born with you'. "
Thursday, October 15th 1981, Public Program, Los Angeles (USA)

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

2021 & The Dawn Of The Age Of Aquarius.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Stepping Into A New Dawn.

Dear Friend,

 A few weeks ago, on December 21st ,there was a lot of noise being made in astrology circles about the alignment of the planets , Saturn and Jupiter, in Aquarius. There seems to be some agreement that it marks a new dawn, the age of Aquarius, when humanitarian and spiritual values will take over from material and economic preoccupations. 

Below is a recent Vogue magazine interview with astrologer Susan Miller, who is taken sufficiently seriously, that the likes of Cameron Diaz, Justin Theroux, Pharrell Williams, Kirsten Dunst, Lindsay Lohan, Katy Perry, and Alexa Chung, follow her.

Also below, the silent global revolution you shouldn't miss out on and putting desire into action , with meditation, to achieve your goals this year.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Start Your Year Right: The Global 'Winds Of Change'. 
From Los Angeles to Lucknow; from Morocco to Mexico and from Singapore to South Africa and everywhere in between, people are beginning to feel a real connection to their essence and an unlocking of potential. Take control of your  future. If you can't feel a cool breeze on top of your head, use this kundalini awakening refresh....1 min. 
Focus: How To Achieve Your Goals This Year .
Whatever goals or changes you envisage for yourself this year, you need to be focused and acting on them NOW.  The energy that sustains most new year resolutions only lasts two or three weeks . Here's a guided meditation to help turn your desire into action.... 
Astrologer To Millennials, Susan Miller : What The New Age Of Aquarius Means For 2021.
 We're only a few days in to 2021 and you may already be feeling different - more positive and hopeful perhaps about what's in store for you in the year ahead. According to astrology , the Saturn Jupiter Conjunction on Dec 21st ushered in a new age. In this Vogue Interview, Susan Miller tells us what to expect...interesting!...
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Quote of the Week
Questioner: Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the golden age? The forthcoming golden age?
Shri Mataji: "You see, Aquarius according to our [Indian] astrology is the Kundalini. (...)this age of Aquarius is very important, because this will change the lives of people. And that is what they have already described about this, that now there was Kali Yuga, means the worst possible times. The whole Kali Yuga means the absolutely the worst and worst possible time for our destruction. That was over. Then comes Kruta Yuga, I mean, overlapping. Now, in Kruta Yuga, this all-pervading power, they call it Paramchaitanya, becomes active. It starts helping people to come along. That also has been going on some days. After this, is Satya Yuga. It’s the age of truth[golden age]. But it’s a last judgement. If you take to truth, alright, well and good. But if you don’t take to truth you are judged. It’s like this. Now how many people take to truth, very surprising. "
Thursday, July 8th 1999, Press Conference, London Television Centre (England)