Thursday, 23 December 2021

How You Get Quick Results - Maslow's Pyramid & Your Kundalini.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You Get Quick Results - Maslow's Pyramid & Your Kundalini.

Dear Friend,

Would you rather spend 40 years trying to achieve something or a month?

Whatever success you're chasing in life at the moment fits somewhere on Maslow's Pyramid.

This is the psychological theory that all human needs/aspirations can be stacked one on top of the other to form a hierarchy which, in one form or another, most people spend their life working their way through from bottom to top (self-actualisation).

Similarly, the spiritual tradition of the practice of kundalini (awakening) yoga could also be a life-long slog, involving very difficult breathing exercises and a dedicated and sustained practice of yoga asanas.

Where these two meet is in Sahaja yoga, which is both the spontaneous awakening of the kundalini and self-realisation (self-actualisation) that fast-forwards you to the top of Maslow's Pyramid and then fills in the gaps of your needs by a trickle-down effect when you meditate daily.

The relevant quote from the Bhagavad Gita is "Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham" , meaning: "first achieve yoga (spiritual connection) and then your wellbeing (kshema) will be looked after". This is identical to the biblical quote : " first seek the kingdom of heaven (sahasrara) and everything else will be added unto you".

Below is a quick over-view of the other advantages you have from kundalini awakening.

Also below, looking after your crowning glory and a meditation for getting brilliant ideas.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Head & Hair Care - Ayurvedic Oil Massage.
Just the simple act of spending a few minutes massaging key points on your head, can relax you, improve your mood and help your sahasrara chakra, so that you get a better meditation. According to this short video it also helps with hair growth. Warm coconut oil is recommended but just using the tips of your fingers as demonstrated in the video will also benefit you... 
How To Get Brilliant Ideas - A Guided Meditation.
If you've got a problem to solve or need some creative inspiration , then 'think outside the box'. Except you don't have to think at all. When you want that brilliant idea, thinking becomes a barrier. It's like the top of that cardboard box in the photo being closed rather than open. Learn to open the top of that box with this guided meditation which also teaches you how to use a 'bandhan'...
Secrets Of Kundalini Yoga.
Here in a nutshell is everything you need to know to have a confident understanding about your own kundalini. In a series of short quotes taken from Shri Mataji's lectures and covering the topics of vibrations, thoughtless awareness, paramachaitanya etc, it gives you a working knowledge that you can use to motivate and develop your practice of the meditation...
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Quote of the Week

"You do not know how glorious and wonderful you are. So, you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. " 

June 29th 1989, Public Program, Salvador-Bahia (Brazil).

" How can I focus meditation on to healing a particular illness? "
In Reply:

You can't and shouldn't. In case of illness, it's best to always follow the advice of your GP or a qualified medical professional.

Assuming that you have and you just want to know what additional support your meditation practice can provide to getting better, then the answer is to meditate twice a day : 10-15 minutes morning and evening with the meditation photo and candle;  and use a foot spa in the evenings. Continue until you start feeling the difference.

It's also useful to know which chakras correspond to different parts of the body - see: Chakras , Your Health & Wellbeing 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

How You Can Overcome Fear & Insecurity- Using A Handy Little 'Mantra'.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You Can Overcome Fear & Insecurity- Using A Handy Little 'Mantra'.

Dear Friend,

Don't let your imagination mess with your mind. If you're afraid that things aren't going to turn out well, it's because of the picture you're painting in your head.

Your kundalini works in two ways as you meditate, to remove any feelings of insecurity and fear that you may be holding on to.

Firstly, she gently opens out the lotus of your heart to gradually relieve you of the cause. Secondly, she relieves you of the mental load that feeds it.

Your kundalini is like a mother and knows everything about you, as she has constantly been with you from life-time to life-time (See: "Kundalini is a 'tape recorder' of your previous lives") and knows how to cure you and make you OK.

If ever you do feel a little insecure about something, or even fearful, then try using the 'mantra' : "Mother, please protect me and look after me", and see how you feel. More below.

Also below : Some African drumming to awaken your brave heart and a guided meditation to open nabhi, heart and sahasrara chakras.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Driving Out Fear - African Drumming For Your Heart Chakra.
Each of your chakras has a musical instrument associated with it, which is the basis of music therapy in Sahaja Yoga. Listening to Indian classical flute, say, is good for your vishuddhi chakra; the sitar can help your sahasrara chakra. Listening to the drum can clear your heart chakra. Here's a sample of some African drumming to instil bravery and fearlessness.
The Sky Is The Limit -Meditation To Open Nabhi, Heart & Crown Chakras.
Your nabhi chakra is important because your belly is the source of prosperity. Your heart chakra is important because it's the source of your feeling of security. Your crown chakra (sahasrara) is important because it helps you to achieve your ultimate goal. When these chakras open out to allow your kundalini to rise through, then the sky is the limit . Try it now...
Overcoming Fear & Insecurity.
The feeling of safety - physical, mental, emotional - is a basic human need, and any threats to it lead to a feeling of fear and insecurity. By taking you beyond your mind, your kundalini is taking you to 'higher ground' and a place of safety every time you sit and meditate. You don't have to be aware of any fear or insecurity within yourself to benefit from her action . Here's how she works...
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Quote of the Week

" ..Sahaja Yoga automatically transforms you – from top to bottom – because it is a living process. Like a tree, it has life. "

March 21st 1979, Mumbai (India).

"I've finally been able to feel my kundalini as a cool wind-like sensation above my head when I hold my hand there. I was never able to properly feel it before. What happens now?"
In Reply:

What happens now is that it will be easier for you to go mentally silent whenever you want, which is great for getting inspiration and solving immediate problems.

Also your kundalini begins to slowly open out the chakras above your head and improve your awareness, so that you become a better judge of things and are in a relaxed and pleasant state of mind, mostly all the time. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

How To Use Your Power Of Smell - Making Better Choices & Decisions Without Sweat.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 How To Use Your Power Of Smell - Making Better Choices & Decisions Without Sweat.

Dear Friend,

Your 'hamsa' chakra, between your eyebrows where it meets the top of your nose, controls your olfactory bulb, which is responsible for your sense of smell.

The sense of smell in all animals (humans included) is a survival mechanism. However, day-to-day, the most you might use it is to check whether that food you left in the fridge is still good to eat.

Since the hamsa controls the sense of smell, it also has a higher order function which can be described as 'discriminative intelligence'.

The clue to understanding what discriminative intelligence is, lies in the word 'hamsa' itself. In Sanskrit, 'Hamsa' means a swan. Specifically a swan, reputedly able to drink just the milk from a mixture of water and milk.

With your daily meditation, your hamsa chakra improves which gives you a better nose ( discriminative intelligence) for making better choices and decisions.

Below is advice on looking after your hamsa chakra which includes an ayurvedic treatment for the nose and a guided meditation to bring your left and right sides, which cross over at hamsa, into balance.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Benefits Of Putting Ghee In Your Nose.
A traditional Ayurvedic treatment for the sinuses, which also helps your hamsa chakra is to put a few drops of herbalised oil in your nostrils. For DIY purposes ghee is just as effective in lubricating the sinuses and improving your hamsa (see: how to make ghee at home). Apart from sinusitis, the treatment is said to also help with nasal congestion, allergies and headaches...
Achieving Your Balance - A Guided Meditation.
Thinking about your past could help you draw useful lessons from past experiences. Thinking about your future could help motivate you towards your goals. However too much thinking about your past or your future could reduce your focus on what you can do now, today. Here's a guided meditation to bring your past (left side) and your future (right side) into balance in the now... 
How To Look After Your Hamsa Chakra.
As your hamsa chakra, which represents your discriminative intelligence, is very important for making choices that could affect your happiness and wellbeing, it's a good idea to look after it. In this 3 min instruction given in Sydney, Australia , Shri Mataji advises on the do's and don'ts of looking after your hamsa...
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Quote of the Week

"...meditation is very important because after Realisation [kundalini awakening] you can see in your light what your problems are, without being afraid of them. And also you know in Sahaja Yoga [the] technique[s] [of] how to cleanse yourself, how to take out your karmas [hangovers of your past], get completely rid of all your problems. So take it up seriously! Meditate! " 

August 6th 1979, Public Program - Caxton Hall, London (England).

" How to get rid of evil eye? I have the feeling I've been cursed. "
In Reply:

In an ancient text on kundalini yoga - 'Shri Lalita Sahasranama' - one of the descriptions given of the kundalini is 'para-mantra vibhedini' : 'para-mantra', means 'curse' and 'vibhedini' means 'she who breaks it'.

The way She(kundalini) 'breaks it' is by taking you out of negative karmas by taking you beyond a mis-identification with the ego when she rises to the crown of your head. So it's like you become 'invisible' or disappear as a target .

Also, from the experience of many people, the regular use of the meditation photo acts like a protective talisman /amulet.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.