How You Get Quick Results - Maslow's Pyramid & Your Kundalini. Dear Friend,
Would you rather spend 40 years trying to achieve something or a month?
Whatever success you're chasing in life at the moment fits somewhere on Maslow's Pyramid.
This is the psychological theory that all human needs/aspirations can be stacked one on top of the other to form a hierarchy which, in one form or another, most people spend their life working their way through from bottom to top (self-actualisation).
Similarly, the spiritual tradition of the practice of kundalini (awakening) yoga could also be a life-long slog, involving very difficult breathing exercises and a dedicated and sustained practice of yoga asanas.
Where these two meet is in Sahaja yoga, which is both the spontaneous awakening of the kundalini and self-realisation (self-actualisation) that fast-forwards you to the top of Maslow's Pyramid and then fills in the gaps of your needs by a trickle-down effect when you meditate daily.
The relevant quote from the Bhagavad Gita is "Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham" , meaning: "first achieve yoga (spiritual connection) and then your wellbeing (kshema) will be looked after". This is identical to the biblical quote : " first seek the kingdom of heaven (sahasrara) and everything else will be added unto you".
Below is a quick over-view of the other advantages you have from kundalini awakening.
Also below, looking after your crowning glory and a meditation for getting brilliant ideas.
Best wishesP. PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down. |