Monday, 19 October 2020

Succeed By Being An Early Riser.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Succeeding By Getting Up Earlier In The Morning.

If you really want some head space, the trick may be to get up in the morning before anyone else. When the world is still quiet, you may be surprised at the serenity and clarity you can experience.

It's like driving along the motorway without any other traffic. You get to your destination faster. 

Below, there's a guided meditation to help you touch your inner 'early morning' silence.

Also checkout how to use candle light to chase your blues away and get the low-down on how reincarnation happens. 


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
You are the reason why your parents had to meet. Do our parents choose (to have ) us or do we choose our parents? Which sounds like a dumb question until you entertain the possibility that we have a pre-life existence. If you've never believed in reincarnation then read this; it could change your mind...  
How to use candle light and fragrance to lift your mood.  According to a Professor of medical clinical psychology, writing in the New York Times, he is seeing the direct effect on our mental health of the the times we're all living through. Social isolation, apparently, can be just as detrimental, as having something physical happening to us. For some self-care, put a few drops of lavendar in an oil burner and try this Sahaja yoga 'Candle Treatment'...  
When you need to make a change, why getting up before dawn will help you to achieve it.. While the rest of us are still tucked up in our duvet, some of the captains of industry, top athletes and successful creatives are using that special quiet time before dawn, when the day is full of potential, to forge their path to greater heights. The ancient yogis of India have called that pre-dawn time 'Brahma Muhurta'. The essence of it is contained in the following meditation...
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Quote of the Week
"...present is the truth, past is finished and future doesn’t exist. So to come to the present you have to have this new awareness called as thoughtless awareness." 
Friday, February 28th 1992, Newcastle (Australia).
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Thursday, 15 October 2020

How To Achieve Your Goals Using Meditation.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Welcome to our new look Newsletter.

This is your free meditation companion in your pocket to help you press pause on a busy or stressed mind -in a way that other meditation practices cannot - whenever you need it.

Below, you can dip into turning desire into action with a 'bandhan'; take a 3 minute trip to Arabia and practice gratitude to see it's effect.

There's a quote to meditate on and buttons to take you straight into online meditation sessions.

Many other people, coming new to Sahaja Yoga Meditation, have said how the practice of the simple daily meditation has helped them to cope and even to Thrive  during these challenging times we're all going through. If you find the same, then pay it forward and  click at bottom to share this Newsletter to your friends or to your social media.


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
'Aim for the sky and land on a mountain; aim for the mountain and land on a hill' is the advice sometimes given for achieving personal goals. But how do you motivate yourself when everything already seems up in the air? The trick is to link your goals to your inner sense of well-being using the following meditative technique...
Roses in the Desert. It's probably not often that a popular Arabic TV channel carries a segment about meditation. But here it is . SYM (Sahaja Yoga Meditation) is being practised globally, all the way from Mongolia to Medina, by the old and the  young alike because it's so simple. Peace is peace in any language...
The Power of Gratitude. Count your blessings and feel better about yourself. And it only takes a moment. In the way that a smile can evoke a positive feeling within, the simple act of crossing your arms across your chest can evoke a sense of gratitude. If it's done while contemplating the following truth, it can even lead to the feeling of bliss...
Popular Posts Others Are Also Reading.
Quote of the Week
"So you must practise as to find out what stops your thoughts, what makes you the witness.Once you develop this habit, you will station yourself nicely in the thoughtless awareness." 
3rd March 1996, Sydney (Australia)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Resources:  Meditation Photo  Guided Meditation Playlist    Meditation Music Playlist    Self-care Chakras

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Finding Your Self (Everywhere).


Below:  1. The benefits of drinking Tulsi Tea (Basil).   2. Becoming a 'Himalayan yogi': the meditation.   3. We are all one: Finding your Self.

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Wim Hof - transcend.jpg

Finding Yourself.jpg

Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"You cannot intellectually understand Paramatma. It is only through Atma that you can understand Paramatma. So far, all saints have said “be alert in the observance of your Dharma, search your Atma, understand the Atma that is residing in you.” What is Atma? What work is it doing residing within us and how is it related to Paramatma? It is said that Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. This reflection is like that of the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is seen in water, he is away in the sky and not in water. Similarly Atma is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it. But, for any reflection to be clearly visible the mirror which is the cause of that reflection must be clean. If the mirror is not clean, or instead of mirror a stone is there, the sun’s reflection will not be seen in it. In the same way, that man looks disturbed who has not yet become clean like mirror, so that he can see the Paramatma’s reflection within himself." (translated from Hindi) Shri Mataji, Saturday August 18th 1979, New Delhi (India).

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