Below: 1. The benefits of drinking Tulsi Tea (Basil). 2. Becoming a 'Himalayan yogi': the meditation. 3. We are all one: Finding your Self.
"You cannot intellectually understand Paramatma. It is only through Atma that you can understand Paramatma. So far, all saints have said “be alert in the observance of your Dharma, search your Atma, understand the Atma that is residing in you.” What is Atma? What work is it doing residing within us and how is it related to Paramatma? It is said that Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. This reflection is like that of the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is seen in water, he is away in the sky and not in water. Similarly Atma is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it. But, for any reflection to be clearly visible the mirror which is the cause of that reflection must be clean. If the mirror is not clean, or instead of mirror a stone is there, the sun’s reflection will not be seen in it. In the same way, that man looks disturbed who has not yet become clean like mirror, so that he can see the Paramatma’s reflection within himself." (translated from Hindi) Shri Mataji, Saturday August 18th 1979, New Delhi (India).
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