Below: 1. So now you know. All those sweaty Friday nights throwing shapes in a nightclub were worth something : the power of dance. 2. Predicting your past: how your kundalini takes you beyond cause and effect. 3. Controlling the monkey of your mind: a guided meditation.
Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .
"So to know whatever you had previously read was true, the power to validate between truth and untruth now gets manifested within your chitta(attention/awareness). Are you understanding this? Perhaps not. Until you got your Realization you didn’t really know what is accepted by your chitta as the truth. For example if you were to think about God: “Does he really exist? Maybe, my grandma said so”, you may say. But does he really exist? No way to tell for sure. You don’t really know anything for sure. But once you get your Realization and the vibrations start flowing through your hands, then all of a sudden you start knowing if something is real or not. Now put hands on your lap and ask yourself this question: Does God exist? And you’ll see that the vibrations will start flowing in leaps and bounds. So basically you get the experience of the truth." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday December 18th 1977, India.
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