Sunday 13 September 2020

How To Use The 'Power In Your Hands' To Help Family & Friends.


Below:  1. Gaining confidence and security from just being yourself.   2. 'Why sleep is crucial to success' - Arianna Huffington.   3. The power in your hands - helping family and friends.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"So we have to mature. Now how do we mature? Many ask Me this question. We mature by meditation, by nirvicharita(mental silence - thoughtless). You have to be in thoughtless awareness to grow, otherwise you cannot grow. Now, you should practice this thoughtless awareness otherwise also. Say you are walking on the road, suddenly you see a beautiful tree, you should become thoughtless. Creation of Divine – how beautiful it is! You should become thoughtless. In thoughtless Sahaj works, otherwise it does not work. You plan everything, you do everything, it won’t work out. If you leave it to Sahaj, it will work out. But that never means that you should be lazy about it, or also unsystematic – no. You have to be alert, extremely alert, because if you are not alert you will not see how the Sahaj is helping you. "

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Related Post - The Art of Sleep.jpg

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