Tuesday, 26 May 2020

How To Do 5-Minute Pressure Point Head Massage And Why It's Good For You.

Below: 1. Listening to the sound of silence could be a way coming into the moment and being 'present'. Try it with this guided meditation.   2.Natural High: what the kundalini tells us about recent neuroscience research on the 'psychedelic' brain.   3. Acupuncture with the fingers : how a pressure point head massage can make you feel better.

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 Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"So the Kundalini passes through different centres, enlightening the different energies, ultimately comes to the brain and enlightens the Viratangana power. At this point, at the brain point, the Kundalini starts spreading in the head. She of course shoots off from the Sahasrara but also she trickles down through this plate of the brain (medha) downwards on the sympathetic. That relaxes you. That’s why you feel relaxed. It relaxes the sympathetic. That enlarges the centres. It brings it back to its normal positions." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 16th August 1987, St Quentin (France).

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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Don't Leave Home Without Doing This One Thing.

Below:  1. Mental well-being from using your hands.  2. Peace and harmony in a Japanese garden : a meditation.   3. Getting ready to leave the house: phone, keys, face mask and 'kavach'.

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 Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"So, on your hands you will know. Now these hands are the blessings of Shri Krishna. They come out from the same Vishuddhi, and as you know the pelvic nerves serves it on all that. And there are two chakras of one Lalita, another Shri Chakra, all on these both sides; they also play into the hands of Shri Krishna. With these hands we can feel the vibrations. Now if your right Vishuddhi’s too strong you may not feel, if your left Vishuddhi’s too strong you may not feel, but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t got realization. You have got. You just work out your hands.
Now for working your hands, you have to see that you don’t use them for useless things. That’s very important, because you have special hands. These hands are the ones with which you spread the collectivity. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 16th August 1992, Cabella Ligure (Italy).
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Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Strengthening Your Core.

Below:  1. Every problem has a solution. You just need a change of perspective. Rise higher.   2. The first wealth is health. Thank the bees and take a spoonful of this everyday.   3. The stronger your core; the more power you can generate. Meditate on this.

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 Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"...and what I eat the most is honey. That’s My food. Honey I eat, you know that, honey I drink." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Monday 31st January 1983, New Delhi(India)

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Monday, 4 May 2020

How To Get A Peak Experience.

Below:  1. The elephant in the room is 'Why are we here?' - the great unanswered question and 1-minute answer.   2. The difference between failure and success at anything could be down to what day you decide to do something on: your introduction to the moon calendar.  3. If you want a peak experience, first get into your flow state. Here's how.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"But the Moon is a subtler thing which acts on subtle, subtler ways. Because you have seen the Moon acts on the tides, it acts on the temperaments, it is a much subtler thing. Desire is much more subtler than the action itself. It’s a deeper thing. So the action comes out of the desire. So it is better to affect the desire than to affect the action. And that is why, in India, people accept Moon as the indicator for dates and all that." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 6 February 1982, Niphad(India).

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