Thursday 16 April 2020

The Future Of Humanity.

Below:  1. 10 'Super' Foods to boost your immunity.  2. Developing balance, peace and creativity within yourself during lockdown.  3. Light at the end of the tunnel - part 2.

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Join the Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm .

"This is the Krita Yuga. Krita means when where it will be effective, when where it is going to be effective. The work will be done. This is the Yuga, the times where it will be done. Krita Yuga. This is the special time which is in between Kali Yuga[dark age] and Satya Yuga[golden age], is the Krita Yuga where things will be done, work will be done. Resurrection time[en masse kundalini awakening] where 'your hands will speak'. This is the thing. You see. Translate it. Krita Yuga. “Kri” means “to do.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday September 26th 1982, Vienna(Austria) 

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