Tuesday 21 April 2020

'Lockdown Enlightenment'

Below:  1. 'To sleep, perchance to dream': where your consciousness goes during shut-eye.  2. What's a facial beauty treatment that can also be used against coronavirus? Take off your face mask and find out.   3. Lockdown enlightenment: how the top of your head is key.

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Join the Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm .

" So first is the breaking of the Sahasrara, then once it opened out, the brahmarandhra opened out, then we started feeling the grace, and it moved onto our Ida and Pingala – the grace not the Kundalini. And the grace, which is chaitanya, all round, soothed down our Left and Right sides by which our chakras opened more, and more threads of the Kundalini started piercing through. So I always tell Sahaja Yogis that it’s important that you must meditate. If your Sahasrara is alright, all your chakras will be alright because, as you know, that the peethas, or the controlling centres of all these chakras, are in the brain around the limbic area. So if your Sahasrara is clear everything works out in a very different way. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Saturday May 6th 1989, Sorrento (Italy)

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