Tuesday, 28 April 2020

How To Overcome Money/Job Anxiety During Lockdown.

Below:  1. Salute the Sun:  this daily yoga exercise can help you feel better by making your body feel better.     2. Word power: a guided meditation with mantras to make your lotuses blossom.   3. Money/Job anxieties? Here's a way through.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here . 

" Sahaja Yoga is wisdom. And logically you will reach at a conclusion and understand that Sahaja Yoga is the end of all the problems of the world. Of all the problems of the world. For example take the capitalism and communism. Now, I am a capitalist, because I have all the powers and I am the communist, because I cannot enjoy it without giving it to you. But it’s spontaneous I have not to do it, because I think about it, it just works. It is like that. All the problems: political problems, economic problems – everything can be solved. Krishna has said, “Yoga Kshema Vahamyam” “When you get your Yoga you get your well-being.” He has promised. He could have said it, “Kshema Yoga Vahamyam.” He did not, he said, “Yoga Kshema Vahamyam” First do yoga, first unite. Unite with the Spirit then you are blessed by all these things. This is the centre(Nabhi/Manipur Chakra - Solar plexus) of even material wealth, of Lakshmi, which works out.   " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Wednesday, September 30th 1981, New York City(US)

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Tuesday, 21 April 2020

'Lockdown Enlightenment'

Below:  1. 'To sleep, perchance to dream': where your consciousness goes during shut-eye.  2. What's a facial beauty treatment that can also be used against coronavirus? Take off your face mask and find out.   3. Lockdown enlightenment: how the top of your head is key.

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Join the Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm .

" So first is the breaking of the Sahasrara, then once it opened out, the brahmarandhra opened out, then we started feeling the grace, and it moved onto our Ida and Pingala – the grace not the Kundalini. And the grace, which is chaitanya, all round, soothed down our Left and Right sides by which our chakras opened more, and more threads of the Kundalini started piercing through. So I always tell Sahaja Yogis that it’s important that you must meditate. If your Sahasrara is alright, all your chakras will be alright because, as you know, that the peethas, or the controlling centres of all these chakras, are in the brain around the limbic area. So if your Sahasrara is clear everything works out in a very different way. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Saturday May 6th 1989, Sorrento (Italy)

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Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Future Of Humanity.

Below:  1. 10 'Super' Foods to boost your immunity.  2. Developing balance, peace and creativity within yourself during lockdown.  3. Light at the end of the tunnel - part 2.

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Join the Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm .

"This is the Krita Yuga. Krita means when where it will be effective, when where it is going to be effective. The work will be done. This is the Yuga, the times where it will be done. Krita Yuga. This is the special time which is in between Kali Yuga[dark age] and Satya Yuga[golden age], is the Krita Yuga where things will be done, work will be done. Resurrection time[en masse kundalini awakening] where 'your hands will speak'. This is the thing. You see. Translate it. Krita Yuga. “Kri” means “to do.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday September 26th 1982, Vienna(Austria) 

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Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Try This Candle-Light 'Cure'.

Below:  1. Access a guided meditation every week day at 7pm.   2. Three easy-to-make DIY face-masks.  3. Meditating with the power of candlelight.

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 If you are not in the thoughtless state you do not use your computer and put your brain on top of it. It is such on old computer and lot of accurate work has been done on it. You are bound to make mistakes if you use your own brain and do not consult the computer. All that happens in the thoughtless state is enlightened." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 31st December 1980, Rahuri (India).