Tuesday 9 July 2019

Why The Colour of The Food on Your Plate Could Be Important For Your Health

Below:  1. Your journey to work will never be the same again -plug in and tune out with this meditative chant accompaniment to your morning commute;  2. Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda may share the same source. Watch Shri Mataji curing people in Vienna , Austria in July 1989;  3. What colour are you missing from your diet? This Ayurvedic chart will tell you.
Ganesha Arthavasheersha.jpg

Yellow Emporer.jpg

Food colour.jpg

"Only in the thoughtless awarenessyou can start curing people. You can cure people if your Kundalini has crossed the Agnya." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,  Birmingham(England), June 17th , 1979.

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