Tuesday 23 July 2019

How You Can Outsmart Robots.

Below:  1. Did you ever realise how relaxing and meditative the sounds of nature can be - a running stream; birds singing? The Japanese have discovered a therapy in this which they call, Shinrin-yoku. Try it now.   2. There a just a few daily self-care habits that you can get into which will ensure that mentally, physically and emotionally, you're always in top form. Massaging your head is one of them. Learn the key reflex points on your head.   3. No need to be afraid of the Robot apocalypse, if it comes. Your kundalini gives you powers.

Kyoto Meditation.jpg

head massage.jpg

Sahasrara brain powers.jpg

"This attention is the one when enlightened gives you the absolute truth because it becomes part and parcel of your nerves..." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Australia, February 8th , !992.

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