Tuesday 19 June 2018

How To Walk On Water

Dear All,

Two things are doing well at the moment: the Walt Disney - Pixar animated movie, The Incredibles 2, which raked in $180 million at the US box-office this weekend, making it the biggest launch since 'Finding Dory'. And Author and Historian, Yuval Noah Harari's books on the New York Times best-seller list.

Both touch on the potential for human beings to be more than we are at the moment(see Harari quote at bottom) and, if you're practicising sahaja yoga meditation daily, here's why this may be of passing interest to you.
When you meditate daily and begin to notice the gradual positive effect on you  - how the stress goes away and you get your inner peace - this is only due to a wee bit of the kundalini's potential

Everytime you touch the state of thoughtless awareness in your meditation then a few extra strands of this massive bundle of energy which is your kundalini rise up. The effect of this is that over time it becomes easier and easier to enter the state of mental silence. You also feel the vibes better and may start noticing how any issues you have start solving themselves automatically.

But this is still a tiny fraction of the potential effects of your kundalini's action. In the ancient literature about the kundalini, it is written that it gives you the 'ashta siddhis' or 8 supernormal abilities including Laghima : the ability to make your body almost weightless which implies the ability to walk on water or fly.

So far I haven't seen any sahaja yogi doing this :o) . Presumably, if this is an evolutionary progression, then Mother Nature doesn't want to freak us out with some weird abilities before we can handle it and everybody has got to the same stage.

Instead there are some gentler powers within the bounds of credibility and acceptance which you can start using straightaway - see below. If you needed any additional motivation to meditate - you too can become an Incredible - then this may be it.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


"Biological engineering starts with the insight that we are far from realising the full potential of organic bodies. For 4 billion years natural selection has been tweaking and tickering with these bodies, so that we have gone from amoeba to reptiles to mammals to Sapiens. Yet there is no reason to think that Sapiens is the last station. Relatively small changes in genes, hormones and neurons were enough to transform Homo erectus - who could nothing more impressive than flint knives - into Homo sapiens, who produces spaceships and computers. Who knows what may be the outcome of a few more changes to our DNA." - Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari

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