Tuesday 4 July 2017

How to improve the energy of your living space + Wellness

Dear All,

Your first wealth is health. If you or anyone you know is prone to allergies, viral infections and chronic illness of any kind then you may find the short video clip below about sahaja yoga and medicine interesting.

It shows a homeopathic doctor running a health diagnostic on a 'patient', using electro-acupuncture and then recording the results. The diagnostic is then repeated with the patient's attention on a sahaja yoga meditation photo ..and see what happens.

The experimental method adopted by the homeopathic doctor would not pass the test of conventional medicine. But, if you have a framed meditation photo permanently sitting in a quiet corner of your room and have noticed the positivity it gives to the vibes in your house ( possible to correct any vaastu/ feng shui defect in your living space) then you may not be so surprised by the apparent medical 'miracle' in the video clip.

There's a lot about the effects of the photo that cannot be easily explained but the description below of how to best make use of it for your meditation, based on the yoga iconography of the hand pose may help. Experience is more valuable than explanation.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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