Monday 24 July 2017

Fix yourself.

Dear All,

Below is a reminder of where the energy centres are on your hands, feet and head. And the importance of clearing them for reasons of gaining health & wellness, as well as increasing the effectiveness of your meditation to bring about positive, personal transformation.

(Click here to download full versions of these)

What's the issue? Chakras likely affected Resolution/ Treatment
Depression back agnya & left side To clear left side, left hand towards meditation photo, right hand towards flame position to your right side. To clear back agnya, steadily gaze at agnya point on meditation photo through a candle flame – don't blink, let the eyes water; this can also cure problems of eyesight. Get physical.
Anxiety/Insecurity centre heart Left hand towards meditation photo, right hand on centre of chest; close your eyes & feel connection between heart and top of head as 'throb'. Repeat mantra 'Jagadamba!'
Lacking confidence centre heart & vishuddhi Same as above plus singing (in the shower :o) )
Money/Job worries nabhi Left hand towards meditation photo & right hand over stomach. Feel flow of vibes into nabhi. Use affirmation 'I am satisfied'.
Excessive thinking right swadisthan Ice pack placed on liver during meditation. Cut down on coffee.
Relationship with others right vishuddhi & heart Include honey in the diet which is good for vishuddhi chakra; also ghee nasal drops at bedtime and use mantra 'Jagadamba!' for heart.
Stress Agnya & swadisthan Same as for right swadisthan above plus diluted sandalwood oil gently massaged on centre of forehead before leaving the house.
Lack of Joy Mooladhara & heart Regularly sit on the ground in the park to help mooladhara and if you have the opportunity, spend time in the company of children.
Digestive disorders nabhi drink vibrated water and do regular footspa treatment.
Blocked creativity swadisthan Give vibes to swadisthan by placing right hand on left groin/hip while meditating.
Spiritual growth sahasrara Left hand towards meditation photo & right hand massaging top of head and use mantra 'Om Shri Nirmala namaha!'
​See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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