Monday 19 June 2017

How Sahaja yoga integrates all other yogas.

Dear All,
Wednesday 21st June is officially declared as UN international Yoga day, so here's a picture(below) showing how you and sahaja yoga fit into the many yogas out there.

Also click here for a 1 minute description of the true meaning of 'yoga' that will help you on the path of your own practice.

If you were interested in attending the free* 1-day sahaja yoga meditation in Bloxham Farm, Warwickshire, this Saturday but hadn't registered yet, there's still a chance; click here.

Can't feel any coolness in your meditation in this hot weather? Here's a 1 minute demo of the ice-pack treatment to cool down your liver- click here.

On the subject of feeling hot in hot weather, this is what they'll make for you on the streetside in India when you're wilting in the heat and need to cool down - it's 'nimbu pani' and takes a couple of minutes to make  for yourself at home : click here.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

*There's a 12 pound charge for the catering, inclusive of lunch , dinner and all-day refreshments.

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