Monday 10 April 2017

How to solve problems & increase your well-being.

Dear All,
Here's a couple of cool things you can do now, that you couldn't do before; both of which involve the vibes felt on your hands.

The first is a shortcut to problem solving; the second is about improving your wellness/well-being.

For the problem-solving, while paying attention to the issue, make a circular, clock-wise movement of the right hand over the left palm until you feel the left palm go cool. This action is described in sahaja yoga as giving something a 'bandhan'. Click here for 1min demo.

 It's amazing when it works and although it may seem like voodoo, it's actually no stranger than using your phone to send a whatsapp message or find your nearest restaurant. (see previous email : 'Power in your hands - action at a distance').

About well-being, the hands provide a map of the chakras, which you can read based on sensations of tingling, heat etc. felt on individual fingers. You're then able to clear the chakra by rubbing the finger until it goes cool. Below shows you what each finger relates to.

As with your phone - the better the signal strength, the clearer the reception - the above two depend on getting a good kundalini connection at the top of the head through regular sahaja yoga meditation.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


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