Monday, 24 April 2017

It's all in the numbers.

Dear All,

​Almost half of you who responded to my email last week(& thanks for the kind comments), said that since beginning sahaja yoga meditation you had experienced coincidences that had helped you in some way. 

More than 70% of you get the sensation  of coolness in your hands and/or above your head when you meditate.​ And more than 80% of you experience thoughtless awareness or mental silence during meditation.

These results (charts shown below) are encouraging but may not be completely representative. For that, we'd need more of those getting none of this or only some of this, or even all of this to respond. Which you can take 2 minutes to do by clicking here. It's anonymous.

Also you said you wanted more information about chakras and mantras; different ways to get into meditation; and more about philosophy and spiritual life.

For chakras & mantras - try downloading and listening to this . For different ways to get into meditation, somebody created a meditation music playlist using link I sent in this email. Or, try meditating on bija mantras, which are like striking sound notes on the individual petals of your chakras - here.

For more about 'philosophy & spiritual life', a good start would be by downloading these 6 mp3 talks onto your phone and listening to them on your morning commute.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 10 April 2017

How to solve problems & increase your well-being.

Dear All,
Here's a couple of cool things you can do now, that you couldn't do before; both of which involve the vibes felt on your hands.

The first is a shortcut to problem solving; the second is about improving your wellness/well-being.

For the problem-solving, while paying attention to the issue, make a circular, clock-wise movement of the right hand over the left palm until you feel the left palm go cool. This action is described in sahaja yoga as giving something a 'bandhan'. Click here for 1min demo.

 It's amazing when it works and although it may seem like voodoo, it's actually no stranger than using your phone to send a whatsapp message or find your nearest restaurant. (see previous email : 'Power in your hands - action at a distance').

About well-being, the hands provide a map of the chakras, which you can read based on sensations of tingling, heat etc. felt on individual fingers. You're then able to clear the chakra by rubbing the finger until it goes cool. Below shows you what each finger relates to.

As with your phone - the better the signal strength, the clearer the reception - the above two depend on getting a good kundalini connection at the top of the head through regular sahaja yoga meditation.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 3 April 2017

Top 10 things people want in life .....and how to get them.

Dear All,
Last year, Huffington Post published this article on their website about the Top 10 things people want in life but can't seem to get.

Apart from having more money, most of what the 700 people who took the survey(in the article) seemed to want, are actually inner states of being, such as joy, happiness and confidence. Since these inner states depend very much on the state of the chakras, these things can be achieved even without a change in material circumstances.

Trying to change your life in order to feel better about it, may be much harder and take a longer time than changing your inner state and then noticing the postive effect it has had on your life.

I've pasted the Top things people want in life into table below and tried to relate them to chakras. Included are the 'treatments' that can be used along with the meditation, which can help get you to the life you want to lead.

Since the kundalini is at the root of the many postive changes people begin to notice in themselves when they start sahaja yoga meditation, here's a useful  5 minute reminder of how the kundalini works.

Top 10 things people want in life Chakra What to do along with meditation
1 Happiness Nabhi (stomach) Nabhi can be cleaned with 7-day footspa+ drinking vibrated water. Also left-hand toward meditation photo to draw vibes and direct to nabhi with right-hand on nabhi. Then change hands. This helps both left & right Nabhi.
2 Money Nabhi (stomach) As above
3 Freedom Sahasrara (detachment) Achieve your 'thoughtless awareness' state , if only for a few seconds at a time. This takes you out of the 'prison' of the conditioned personality(beyond ego & super-ego)
4 Peace Nabhi, Sahasrara (found your place in the world) Do the Nabhi chakra cleaning & aim for at least a few seconds of 'thoughtless awareness' in your meditation.
5 Joy Mooladhara (eternal child) Joy comes from innocence and these along with spontaneity and wisdom are qualities of the mooladhara chakra.Sit on the grass with both palms on the ground and repeat a few times'Mother Earth, please clear me'
6 Balance Void (guru of yourself) Left hand towards meditation photo , right hand over left side of stomach and repeat ' I am my own guru/master'
7 Fulfillment Sahasrara (self-realisation) Growing into a new state of awareness by daily meditation and seeing for yourself how things just seem to work out.
8 Confidence Heart (security & fearlessness) Left-hand towards meditation photo and right hand on centre of chest. Repeat sanskrit mantra ' Jaga – damba' for centre heart chakra.
9 Stability Mooladhara (grounded) Try and sit cross-legged on ground for meditation. This increases feeling of being grounded.
10 Passion Right Swadisthana, Heart , Sahasrara (integrated self) Kundalini awakening begins to integrate the personality. Regular meditation strengthens the kundalini energy.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
Related previous email : Stomach, head & hand - feeling better about life in 7 minutes.