Dear All,
you've got to the point in your meditation practice where you can feel
cool vibes on the palms of your hands, then the force is with you :o) .
Here's how you can use it to heal and help yourself.
large part of how we feel (mood, energy & emotions) daily is due to
how we're feeling in our gut (stomach) - notice how the food you eat
can affect your mood or you get butterflies in the stomach when you're
For this reason science has referred to the gut as the 'second brain' and a connection has even been made between anxiety and depression and digestive disorders like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - see John Hopkins university medicine.
stomach is looked after by the Nabhi Chakra, so if you can improve your
nabhi chakra, it's a good way to improve how you're feeling generally.
improve your Nabhi chakra, when sitting in meditation, with left hand
open on the lap towards the meditation photo, place the right hand -
palm open - over the stomach. Keep the attention at the top of the head
until you can feel the sensation of the connection between the stomach
and top of the head.
is happening is that your right hand is giving vibes to the Nabhi,
causing it to open out. As it begins to open out the root ('peeta')
of the nabhi in the sahasrara chakra at top of head also begins to open
out and you can feel it there. By the way, all the chakras have their peetas in the head. This is how the subtle body is like an upside down tree ('Tree of Life').
The peetas lie on the medulla oblaganta in the brain as explained in this 7 minute clip (click here).
See you at group meditation tomorrow.
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