Dear All,
everything is on track then you may be looking at week 2 of that 4-week
meditation plan to help you get to where you want to get to this year(
the plan is shown below and attached in case you missed it last week).

you're starting the plan this week, that's fine. You can start at week 2
and include some of the chakra clearing from week 1, which helps the
vibes flow better, leading to a better meditation. The chakras are also a
mirror of our relationship with the outside, so by clearing them
there's a lot that can be improved for you on the outside eg. personal,
work, family, social.
You can think of it as personal 'house cleaning' for a better life.
How do you clear a chakra?
There are 3 ways.
1. Rub the finger on your hand that is tingling when you meditate - see subtle system chart on plan.
2. Make a clockwise movement of the hand around the chakra to give it vibes.
3. Use the mantra - also shown on the plan. This demo meditation with mantras may help(click for free download).
A good over-view of how tingling or heat on the fingers can be used to diagnose the chakras is provided in this video clip.
As usual, if you have any questions feel free to email me. See you at group meditation tomorrow.
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