Monday, 23 January 2017

Benefits of chickpeas & singing

Dear All,
Did you know that including 'Chana'(chickpeas) in the diet, not only provides you with a very nutritious source of protein but also strengthens the mooladhara chakra which improves your meditative stillness?

Did you also know that some form of singing helps your vishuddhi chakra which is key to your ability to express yourself more fully and feel vibes on the hands?

We're now in week 3 of your 4-week sahaja yoga meditation plan, and you'll see from the plan (below & attached) that suggestions for this week include taking chana and singing.

If you want to try both of these then here's some additional encouragement.
Health benefits of Chickpeas in the diet include:
  • Rich source of protein & vitamins
  • Relief of stomach disorders & digestive problems (according to Ayurveda)
  • Improves Skin
  • Weight management
  • Heart & blood sugar health
  • Energy supply
  • Detox
(source: )
There are 2 human activities which, as far as we know, haven't yet been discovered in the animal kingdom. These are : laughing and singing. Both of these likely activate the pleasure centre in the brain and have health benefits, but laughing is involuntary and depends on some stimulus whereas singing is entirely up to you.

Singing exercises the vocal cords in a way that talking doesn't . It also makes you change the pattern of breathing thereby increasing the oxygen supply to the brain. Find the lyrics to a song that lifts you mood and try singing that. If you want to get serious then take some singing lessons. Tim Bruce an Actor & Singer, who has been practising sahaja yoga meditation for many years is highly recommended. His contacts can be found on his website linked below.

Here's Shri Mataji giving further advice about looking after the 'Temple' of the body:
Sahaja Yoga Treatments.
See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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