Monday, 26 September 2016

How to make progress in your meditation.

​Dear All,

The simple way to make progress in your meditation, and really begin to notice how the peace you feel spreads into other areas of your life, is to understand your own kundalini better.

This 5 minute video clip 'How the kundalini works - your eyes start shining'  is a good start.

If you can achieve a rapport with your own kundalini at the beginning of your meditation by communicating with her then she seems to respond by sending more strands of energy through the central channel.

This can be felt as a deep pleasant  inner coolness in the pit of the stomach that moves to the chest , throat and then top of the head. As a result, your meditation becomes deeper and the connection to your source is strengthened.

Then you'll notice the 'Flow' in your day-to-day life; how you feel better in everyway; and how small and big problems get solved automatically.

It's a fact of existence that things that don't grow, will instead decay. Applied to your meditation, steady progress prevents the sameness of experience ( or non-experience) that leads to quitting before you've struck the gold that is there within you :o).

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Get a hand(le) on your emotions.

Dear All,
Here's a quick trick to reduce and remove anxiety & worry and set yourself up for an easy 5 minute meditation.
  • Raise your kundalini & put on a bandhan .
  • Press your left and right palms together and place against centre of your chest
  • Close your eyes and focus attention at the top of your head.
  • Hold this position until you can feel coolness of kundalini at top of your head.
The use of the hands in this way to balance your emotional ( left side) and mental (right side) is called 'Anjali Mudra' and is often used in physical yoga .

Since life satisfaction comes from what we feel(emotion) and what we think, it's useful to know how this can be helped by the practice of some simple techniques of sahaja yoga shown in this short clip

If you have any follow-up questions relating to the one-day sahaja yoga meditation retreat you went to last Saturday, then please send them to me.
See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Thanks for coming!

Hi there!

Thanks for coming to our meditation session last night. The practice of Sahaja yoga meditation is growing very fast all around the world, because people are discovering that it is the easiest and simplest way to gain all the benefits of meditation in the shortest time.

 With Sahaja yoga meditation, these benefits include removing stress to gain an inner peace ;increasing your well-being, overcoming illness; becoming a happier person, having better relationship with others and achieving your goals in life.

You don't have to actively do anything.

The reason sahaja yoga meditation is so easy and won't take you a lot of time is because - you don't do anything!

(Neither do you have to sign-up for anything or pay anything)

The state of being in meditation is done for you by the spontaneous awakening of the dormant energy of the kundalini which sits at the base of your spine (tail bone/ sacrum). It has been compared to the capacity of a seed to spontaneously germinate into a flower. It happens by itself.

An experience you can actually feel!

When the kundalini is awakened, she travels from the sacrum, up a central channel(nadi) in your back, corresponding to the spinal column.  She then emerges through your fontanelle ('soft spot' on top of a baby's head) and can be felt as a 'cool breeze'(pneuma) above your head if you hold your hand there.

The effect of the kundalini awakening can also be felt as a cool sensation on the palms of the hands.

For some people, this may initially be experienced as a tingling sensation on one or more fingers. Also the top of the head may feel hot at first. However, both these should cool down in one meditation sitting or over several sittings.

'Thoughtless Awareness'

Once you start feeling the cool breeze sensation above your head, your attention becomes slowly absorbed in that. Your thoughts begin to recede to the point where for a fraction of a second there is no thought at all.

This is the state of 'thoughtless awareness' (nirvichar samadhi). It has to be allowed to develop.

By the regular sitting for meditation, the split of a second experience of thoughtless awareness gradually increases by itself  and becomes noticeable. 

This state of awareness is not new in you. You had it when you were a baby* before you learnt to speak. This state in a child is called pratyaksha in sanskrit, meaning 'just seeing or watching without any accompanying mental activity'.  The kundalini restores or regains this state for you, which you are then able to enter at will . If you want to think, you can; if you want to rest your mind by not thinking, you can do that as well.

It is from this that the extraordinary benefits of the meditation come.

Many people beginning sahaja yoga meditation have been amazed by the noticeable result even after a few days of just sitting for 5-10 minutes and letting the kundalini work.

*(sensory-motor stage in Jean Piaget's child cognitive development).

The Meditation 
The results are entirely up to you. If you give it a go, then you will get some reward from it. So here are the steps for a 5-10 minute meditation which you could do right now.
  • Place a lit candle in front of a framed copy of the photo you took home from the meeting (download )
  • Sit comfortably holding your palms open on your lap. 
  •  Raise your kundalini and put on a bandhan (click here for demonstration)
  • Watch the photo for a few moments and with your left hand remaining open towards the photo, press the palm of your right hand firmly on top of your head .
  •  Massage top of head in clock-wise direction.
  • Put the hand down ; close your eyes and keep the focus of attention at the top of your head.
  • Sit still for 5-10 minutes while noticing any sensations above the head. If you do begin to feel the cool breeze, then pay full attention to that to experience 'thoughtless awareness'.
  • Finish by again raising the kundalini and putting on a bandhan. Get up.

Going with the Flow

If you can make time in the next few days to sit still in this way for 5 - 10 minutes morning and/or evening before going to bed, you will begin  to notice the difference in not only how you feel inside but also how your day 'flows' in a much more enjoyable way.

After a few days, you may begin to experience your kundalini as a pleasant cool flowing sensation on the palms of the hands and at the top of your head when you hold your palms out towards the meditation photo.

Some people initially experience a tingling sensation on the fingers. If you get no sensation at all, that's fine. It could just be taking a little more time.

If you're not sure whether your kundalini is awakened, try holding your palms open while watching this 6-minute video exercise for awakening the kundalini. Interestingly some people have got the kundalini awakening from just watching this clip in a relaxed, receptive state. And, you could forward the clip to your friends for them to try.

Set yourself a small goal.

Pick one thing you'd like meditation to help you with - and you can write this down in a diary. Pick a target date in the next 4 weeks and see how your daily practice of 5-10 minutes of meditation gradually gives you the result you want.

If you've been practising something else take a small break from that, so that you are starting sahaja yoga meditation fresh and new, knowing that any results you get will be as from the sahaja yoga meditation and not from something else.

To help you achieve your goal faster, try and come along to the group meditation sessions whenever you are able to. People have noticed how meditating with other people in a group once a week, not only gives a weekly energy boost or top-up that sustains your meditation practice at home, but also can lead to some deep, positive change within yourself because of what happens on your chakras.

The 'Road Map' to understanding yourself in a completely new way.

The chart below is the 'subtle system' -  channels and chakras underlying every aspect of your complete wellness - which you'll learn about during the group meditation sessions.

For example, you'll learn that sensations felt on the fingers, particularly a tingling, pricking or heat sensation corresponds to a 'catch' on the chakra that relates to that finger.

A 'catch' is anything that obstructs the free flow of your kundalini energy. It can be very easy to clear a catch and you'll learn how to do this for yourself . It's like enjoying the benefit of acupuncture treatment, but without the needles or the expense and where you're your own doctor.

Being able to feel your chakras on your hands in this way is the beginning of a new ability you never knew you had. This ability is called 'vibrational awareness' or 'collective awareness', which allows you to 'feel' your own essence and the essence of other people, places and situations on your hands.

By developing this ability through daily meditation, many people have been able to positively transform their lives and help others as well.

And it's free.

What next ?

There's a lot to learn but it's all experiential knowledge gained from your own practice of the meditation, supported by weekly guidance emails. That is why it is said that with sahaja yoga meditation you become your own guru/teacher.

Coming to the group meditations whenever you can is a great way to progress faster and make new friends with others who share your interest.

If you have any questions at all relating to sahaja yoga meditation, please feel free to email me at anytime; I'm always happy to answer.

Further below is an explanation for the use of a photo and about Shri Mataji.

So see you next week or whenever you can make it, and tell and bring any of your friends who may be interested.

Happy Meditating!


Why the meditation photo?

Meditating with the photo provides both inspiration and support for your practice.

It provides inspiration by representing the target you want to get to in your meditation, which is the state of 'thoughtless awareness'. The photo is a picture of the state of thoughtless awareness.

It provides support in that the photo has very good vibes, which you may be able to feel as a coolness on the palms of your hands when you hold your hands out towards it. This, you may begin to notice, makes your kundalini go up, so that you can feel a coolness on top of your head.

When this happens the meditation becomes easier and more enjoyable.

However, sahaja yoga meditation is best approached with an open mind, curiosity and experiment, so try meditating without the photo as well to see what the difference is.

About Shri Mataji (1923 - 2011)

The knowledge about the kundalini energy is so deep and difficult and to be able to awaken it is even more difficult. But Shri Mataji demonstrated an innate and masterful understanding of the kundalini by awakening it in thousands.

It is for this reason that in India, Shri Mataji is called 'Adi Shakti' , which translates as  re-incarnation of the primordial mother, which is the same as saying the 'Mother of Christ'.

Among the many powers Shri Mataji had, including the power of curing, was also the power of accurately predicting the future.

And what Shri Mataji predicted about en-masse spontaneous kundalini awakening, which is happening now, is that first of all  individuals will be able to overcome all their problems, including overcoming illness and reversing ageing (because kundalini is the trigger for the next evolutionary jump in human beings) and then society will rise out of it's political, economic and social problems.

But along with this prediction was also a word of warning about the potential dangers we've created for ourselves, such as from climate change. Giving the race to a better future for all, some urgency.

 Ecology & Human Survival: Evolutionary Immunity - Bulgaria 1995
Superhuman Awareness - San Diego 1985
Superhumans are really coming - unpacking 'junk' DNA


Monday, 5 September 2016

Getting Beyond the Mind.

​Dear All,
As every sports psychologist knows the greatest obstacle to anyone achieving their goals is themself. The mind can be a big barrier to success. This is another reason to meditate. Here's how it helps you.

Pretend for a moment that you are the baby in the photo above.

What would you be thinking about? Nothing. What would be stressed about? Nothing. What would you be worried about? Nothing.

The baby is free from the trap of the mind. This state of innocent awareness is called 'pratyaksha' in Sanskrit, which is the same as the 'thoughtless awareness' (nirvichar samadhi) state that your kundalini is trying to lift you back into through the meditation.

This gives an explanation of the meaning of 'sahaja yoga' meditation. Sa-ha-ja means 'born with you' or innate/easy/without any effort/ like a baby does.

And the 'Nothing' -ness of the mind is not a boring emptiness, but rather, full of potential and possibilities that are shut down by the 'thinking mind'.

This is how just spending 5 or 10minutes a day, sitting there like the baby can bring about so many rewards and positive changes.

Click here for 4 -minute clip about getting out of the trap of the mind.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Improve your mood and meditation with this 3-minute head massage.

​Dear All,
When you press your fingertips into your scalp, can you feel any pain point on your head? If you can, then give that point on your head a rub with your fingertip until the pain goes away.

This is the beginning of perhaps curing yourself of something with a simple 3-minute self-massage of the head. It also improves the quality of your meditation by helping your sahasrara chakra. You may also find that you can concentrate better, relax better and your mood is improved.
Check out this diagram:

The roots of your chakras are lined up along the middle of the head, front to back. Medically, this part of the head is called the corpus callosum, which is the thick bundle of nerves that join the left and right hemispheres of the brain and allow them to communicate. 

The corpus callosum has been found to be especially well-developed in musicians and people who are ambidextrous. And because it is the highest concentration of white matter in the body plays a big part in attention and arousal, which could be a good description of the relaxed but heightened state of awareness you want to get to in your meditation.

If you want to give yourself the full treatment, then get some coconut oil and do as they are doing in this clip demonstrating sahaja yoga head massage.
See at group meditation tomorrow.