Monday, 30 May 2016

How To Transform Yourself.

​Dear All,
A number of you have mentioned in conversation how your regular daily 5-10 minutes of meditation has transformed your life. What has actually happened is that the kundalini has cleaned/cleared your energy centers.

It's this inner transformation that you're seeing reflected on the outside, in terms of being happier and more settled in yourself; having better relationships with others and achieving success in things that matter to you.

Here are a few things you can do to help speed this process of transformation along.

Firstly, by establishing a rapport with your own kundalini when you sit down to meditate.

The kundalini is  pure motherly intelligence which knows everything about you through the state of your chakras. The chakras carry an imprint of your past experiences which could condition your responses in the present, in a way which may be self-defeating.  Those of you who are professional actors may recognise the connection of this to Stanislavski's 'Emotional Memory' .

When you sit down to meditate, pay attention to the inner bodily sensations. This indicates which chakra the kundalini is working on. You may also be able to feel the sensations on the fingers.

Surprisingly, if you move your attention to another chakra, in another part of the body, for example the vishuddhi chakra at the base of the throat, your kundalini will move there. This shows that the movement of the kundalini can follow your attention.

 To enhance this effect you can 'speak' to your kundalini and request her to help you eg. "Mother, please clear my vishuddhi chakra so that I become a better communicator and get on better with others" . This is what is referred to as affirmations, which you can make up for yourself - whatever works for you. And it is by use of affirmations that it becomes easy to eastablish a rapport with your own kundalini.

Secondly, by use of photo with candle-light or footsoaking to clear left-sided or right-sided imbalances respectively, as described in this short video clip : 

The relevance to your meditation of both the clearing of your chakras and correcting of  left or right side imbalances is that the quality and depth of your meditation improves and your physical health improves as a side-effect.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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