Monday, 30 May 2016

How To Transform Yourself.

​Dear All,
A number of you have mentioned in conversation how your regular daily 5-10 minutes of meditation has transformed your life. What has actually happened is that the kundalini has cleaned/cleared your energy centers.

It's this inner transformation that you're seeing reflected on the outside, in terms of being happier and more settled in yourself; having better relationships with others and achieving success in things that matter to you.

Here are a few things you can do to help speed this process of transformation along.

Firstly, by establishing a rapport with your own kundalini when you sit down to meditate.

The kundalini is  pure motherly intelligence which knows everything about you through the state of your chakras. The chakras carry an imprint of your past experiences which could condition your responses in the present, in a way which may be self-defeating.  Those of you who are professional actors may recognise the connection of this to Stanislavski's 'Emotional Memory' .

When you sit down to meditate, pay attention to the inner bodily sensations. This indicates which chakra the kundalini is working on. You may also be able to feel the sensations on the fingers.

Surprisingly, if you move your attention to another chakra, in another part of the body, for example the vishuddhi chakra at the base of the throat, your kundalini will move there. This shows that the movement of the kundalini can follow your attention.

 To enhance this effect you can 'speak' to your kundalini and request her to help you eg. "Mother, please clear my vishuddhi chakra so that I become a better communicator and get on better with others" . This is what is referred to as affirmations, which you can make up for yourself - whatever works for you. And it is by use of affirmations that it becomes easy to eastablish a rapport with your own kundalini.

Secondly, by use of photo with candle-light or footsoaking to clear left-sided or right-sided imbalances respectively, as described in this short video clip : 

The relevance to your meditation of both the clearing of your chakras and correcting of  left or right side imbalances is that the quality and depth of your meditation improves and your physical health improves as a side-effect.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Back to the Future : Your pogress towards a 2000 yr old prediction.

Dear All

The graphic below shows you some of the physical changes/sensations you may have experienced( on eyes, hands , throat) in the course of your sahaja yoga meditation practice. It also gives you some indication of how far you're progressing.

It's fine if your experience doesn't quite yet match this. The self-development is organic, like the growth of a plant or tree and can happen at different rates for different people.

The last row in the graphic about the sensation in the throat is particularly interesting in the light of this rare audio recording from 1982. It is a commentary by Shri Mataji on a 2000 year old prediction by an Indian Astrologer, Acharya Bujendar, who was renowned for his accuracy:

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Previous related post:
Nourishing yourself through your meditation - the 5 nectars

Monday, 16 May 2016

Using meditation to improve the quality of your sleep.

​Dear All,

If you're ever feeling a bit jangly and stressed out after a busy day, then it's likely that you're going to take some of this to bed with you. This could affect the quality of your sleep; and that is why 10 minutes of meditation before bed-time is highly recommended.

In her new book, The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington draws attention to the fact that many people, due to the busyness of their lives, are not getting sufficient, good quality shut-eye, which may be impacting their  health and productivity in an alarming way (see below: digested read)

While it may be possible to decide to get your recommended 8 hours sleep daily by going to bed a little earlier, it may not be so easy to ensure that you get good quality sleep. You could, after all, be counting many sheep while being kept awake by a replay of what happened during the day.  Unless, of course, you meditate and do a  footspa.

After a busy day the first thing I do when I get home is get out the footspa bowl; put cool/cold water in it and some salt and just rest my feet in it for about 10 minutes in front of the meditation photo. The whole stress of the day seems to just drain out of my feet.

Later on at bedtime, I raise my kundalini put on a bandhan and go into thoughtless awareness for a few minutes before my head hits the pillow.  The combination of the footspa and the meditation really does make a difference to the quality of your sleep. You wake up the next morning with a lot more energy and feeling of 'get-up-and-go'.

This weeks 5 minute video clip is a piece of prophetic poetry about you called Pasayadan, written by a 13th century philospher-poet-yogi called Gyaneshwara, who was the first to reveal the formerly secret knowledge of kundalini yoga.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.
How to do footspa detox

Monday, 9 May 2016

Overcoming Your Mental Limitations.

​Dear All,
As a result of the group meditation sessions on Tuesdays and also when you meditate at home, you may begin to notice in your day-to-day life a certain sense of mental freedom which comes from regularly entering thoughtless awareness.

This sense of freedom is the beginnings of a state which in sanskrit is called 'jivan- mukti' or 'liberated while living' . The analogy for it is like this: When  a bird is born, it is first born as an egg; the egg then hatches to release the bird.

Similarly,  the 'egg' that we're 'trapped' in is the mental casing created by our ego and super-ego(conditionings). It's the awakened kundalini that 'cracks' this egg for us by taking us beyond the mind, which is artificially generated by the psychological activity of the ego and conditionings.

However the newly-born bird could still have pieces of the broken egg-shell  on it . This is why although the kundalini is awakened, a person may still persist with old forms and ideas. The conditionings haven't yet been fully shed.

It's only in shedding those conditionings that you slowly begin to realise that you can fly!

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Turning up the dial on your energy centres.

​Dear All,
Below is a picture showing you some of the benefits you can gain by meditating on your different energy centres.

These benefits come in any case from your daily 5-10 minutes practice of sahaja yoga meditation. The first to notice how much more peaceful, balanced and confident you seem, will usually be your friends and family. However, you can help along this personal transformation by putting your attention to work on the specific chakras.

The way to do it is to first get into a short meditation with focus at Sahasrara chakra. When you can feel the coolness at crown of the head and you're relatively mentally silent, move your attention to whichever chakra you want to work on and let it rest there until you can feel a sensation of coolness or expansion on the chakra.

The 5 minute video clip, which can be used for a short meditation with focus on the chakras, is from a recording of a 'Realisation program' held at the Eiffel Tower in Paris late last year.  This program is part of a global grass-roots effort  led by some pretty dynamic young men and women (some still at university) from different countries, who are aiming to transform the world one awakened kundalini at a time. To get some idea of the global reach, check out this impressive photo blog from their website: Inner Peace - Meditate to Regenerate.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.