Love Letter to Italy. What You Need To Know About Gold. Dear Friend,
Earlier this week, someone was scrolling through their phone showing me scenes of their recent holiday to Italy.
The photos of them on a boat in Capri were nice. But the one that caught my eye was the one in a shopping mall.
With its shiny artistic terrazzo flooring, vaulted, glass ceiling and sculpture-adorned architecture to house famous Italian brands like, Prada, Versace and Gucci, the shopping mall was an echo of Italy's glorious past as the centre of the Renaissance.
The Italian Renaissance ("Rebirth"), starting in the 14th century and lasting for more than 200 years, acted as a channel for spreading the influence of classical Greek antiquity into Europe and then the world.
This influence found expression in many fields, including painting, architecture , music and philosophy, leading to a roll-call of now famous Italian names like , Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo. And Giordano Bruno.
Giordano Bruno, you may not have heard of, but he was an early 'Sahaja yogi' when there were very few of them around.
In the history books, he was at the forefront of a growing interest in alchemy. The aim of alchemy was to find a thing or substance that could transmute 'base metal into gold'.
One branch of alchemy led to the beginnings of chemistry and science. The other branch was an esoteric hunt for the 'Philosophers Stone', made famous in the Harry Potter movies.
Discovery of the Philosophe's Stone was said to lead to the perfection of the human being in a simlar way that an ordinary metal is transformed into untarnishable gold. More below.
Also below: the benefit of buying a little gold; and, a short meditation to help with your work-life balance in a much deeper way.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 29th Oct - Dhanteras (Buy something for your home); Wed. 30th - Narak Chaturdashi ( the real Halloween. Stay safe.); Fri. 1st Nov. No Moon / Lakshmi Puja (inviting wealth. |