Monday 12 June 2023

How You'll Spend It. The Real Cashless Society That's Coming.


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How You'll Spend It. The Real Cashless Society That's Coming.

Dear Friend,

On a sunny day in June 2008, I was standing in the 10th floor cafeteria of a 'big four' professional services firm delivering a presentation to my department colleagues.

My presentation, amongst other things, touched on the global financial crisis which the world was then in the midst of.

Lehman Brothers Investment Bank was one of my firms clients and I was there when it went bust.

What I learnt, and which is obvious now, is that the global economy runs on debt. It's all borrowed money.

Whether it's your mortgage or your car finance; or whether it's governments raising money for major infrastructure projects or oiling the wheels of international trade, it's all borrowed money.

Money itself is a form of debt which came about  as an improvement of the Barter System that preceded it.

So, in a strange roundabout way, if there's poverty in the world, and crime, and war, and the spoiling of nature and climate change, then money may be responsible for a lot of that.

So bring on the Cashless Society but not the one which is merely digitised money. The ideal model of a cashless society is the one represented by a self-sustaining and balanced ecosystem (ecological homeostasis).

As en masse kundalini awakening helps harmonise more and more people with the rhythms and cycles of Nature, the world may reach a tipping point to a new balanced way of existence.

And the currency you'll have to spend will be the vibes. More below. 

Also below: the advantage of involving your sense of smell in your meditation practice; and, how to increase your dynamism by centring yourself in the present.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 12th June - Navami (You're protected. Be bold!); Wed. 14th - Yogini Ekadashi (Destroyer of illness); Fri. 16th - Shivaratri (Your essence is spirit, refuge from the temporary and superficial); Sat. 17th New Moon (New beginnings).

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I notice straightaway the difference to my experience of meditation when I light an incense stick and when I don't. It can sometimes seem like the difference between watching something in black and white or experiencing it in full colour. The best meditative ambience for me is when I use sandalwood incense.  It helps the mooladhara more...
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How To Spend It. Towards A Universal Currency.
What currency can you pay the flowers to grow or the crops to increase their yield or your body to become well? The universal currency for all that has life is the vibes. The more you spend of it, the richer you become . You can raise the kundalini of a friend. You can vibrate water to give it curative properties.You can solve problems. All with the vibes. Here's how you own it...
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Quote of the Week

" is necessary to understand the complete working of the Kundalini and of the vibrations. You must know the complete science. Otherwise, what is the use of getting money which you do not know how to spend or use?"

March 22nd 1977, Mumbai (India).

"Two close friends of mine have been arguing about something and I'm stuck in the middle and don't want to take sides. If I do I'll lose the friendship of one. If I don't I'll lose the friendship of both. So far, meditating on the situation has provided no solution. What can I do? "
In Reply:

Using a bandhan is perfect for a situation like this. See Problem Solving With a Bandhan .
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Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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