Monday 5 June 2023

How You Got There First. The Future of Humanity.


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How You Got There First. The Future of Humanity.

Dear Friend,

You're on to a good thing.

Not a lot of people know this. Although Gwyneth Paltrow is the face of  Goop, the life-style brand, the actual driving force to it becoming a multi-million dollar household name in America, was it's chief content officer, Elise Loehnen.

Elise Loehnen has moved on from Goop ( Goop co-founder claims wellness culture is toxic - Good Morning America TV), and has gone on to write the recently published book On Our Best Behaviour (available on Amazon), which I picked up in Waterstone's yesterday.

My eyes quickly alighted on this table about the pendulum swings in Human Evolution on one of it's pages:
The third column of the table represents the evolutionary aspiration of Sahaja yoga.

Relating the key words in the first box in column three to Sahaja yoga:
  • Soul /Spirit Self - it's the kundalini that awakens an individual to their true identity as spirit.
  • Ecological - it's the kundalini that harmonises the individual to the rhythms of Nature or Ecology.
  • Inner Marriage - it's the kundalini that weds the microcosm of the individual to the macrocosm of the universe.
  • Interiorized Spirituality - it's the kundalini that turns the body into a temple.
So now you know. With the many existential risks facing the world, it's reassuring to find confirmation that there's a way through it with inner transformation. And you got there first. More below.

Also below: Yoga of the hands - a bit of finger reflexology can make you well; and, do a kundalini awakening refresh with this self-realisation program in Versilia, Italy.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 7th June - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming difficulty / obstacles); Sat. 10th - Saptami (Lucky 7th -Make the jump).

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Your chakras are mapped on your fingers, so by holding them open in a receptive gesture when you meditate, you're drawing the vibes from the meditation photo which can have a healing effect on you. Outside of your practice of the meditation, you can experiment with various flexed finger gestures (mudras) which reputedly cure some common ailments . These are shown here... 
En Masse Kundalini Awakening in Versilia, Italy With Romano Battaglia.
Romano Battaglia was a well-known Italian journalist and writer; and Versilia is a culturally-rich holiday resort in Tuscany. Shri Mataji was an honoured guest there in August 1999 to talk about Sahaja yoga. In this short excerpt, Shri Mataji takes the well heeled audience through a self-realisation exercise. See the result. You can also follow along to see whether you feel the vibes...
How You Got There First - The Future of Humanity.
The future of humanity is already written. Written down, in fact, in India 1400 years ago on palm leaves by a sage-astrologer called Kaka Bhujandar -here are his 7 predictions. The 13th-century  mystic-poet, Gyaneshwara, who first revealed the secrets of Kundalini, also suggested a future utopia for humanity in his poem Pasayadan. Here it is sung to music by the famous Bollywood playback singer, the late Lata Mangeshkar...
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Quote of the Week

" ..anything that is evolutionary first happens to one or two people only [to begin with], but then it happens to many people.[With] Sahaja Yoga  thousands are getting realization. But why is it necessary to have collectivity when people are getting realization like that?The thing is that now, when you are getting realized, what is happening to you? You are getting related to the whole. Your microcosm is getting related to the macrocosm.."

June 13th 1983, Porchester Hall, London (England).

"Is it possible for somebody to get their kundalini awakening over the phone? I was in a phone conversation with a friend of mine, telling them about my experience of Sahaja yoga meditation and they said they could feel the cool breeze too above their head as I was describing it"
In Reply:

Yes, it is possible. It's also possible over the radio, from the television, a YouTube video, a photograph and even a leaflet.

These are all the different ways people have reported getting kundalini awakening with Sahaja yoga.

It could be some indication of the necessity of as many people as possible getting it that every avenue is turned into a channel of transmission.
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Mind Rest.

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Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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