Monday, 26 June 2023

Knowing Your Value. The Art Of The Possible.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Knowing Your Value. The Art Of The Possible.

Dear Friend,

You'll be amazed at what you can do when you've realised yourself and know your value.

The term 'know your value', as far as I'm aware, was coined by Mika Brzezinski, the co-host of the MSNBC American current affairs show, Morning Joe,  which I regularly watch.

From her visibility on the popular day-time talk show, she has grown the  'Know Your Value' brand, with the aim, it says on the website, to empower women in their career and help them reach their full potential.

America being the Vishuddhi chakra of the world and therefore the 'communications and broadcast' nation, means that what gains traction in America begins to spread everywhere.

The 'Know Your Value' push has being going on for some time, so the waves of it may have already spread.

Even as far as Saudi Arabia. Here's Esraa Al-Buti, recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and promoted to the position of Partner at a major corporation.

But we could all use some knowing our value, self-empowerment and reaching our full potential, whether we're at the top of the career ladder or at the bottom.

With daily meditation, this is the journey your Kundalini is trying to take you on. She is also teaching you, if you observe, the art of the possible. More below.

Also below: How to turn the water you drink into healing water; and, cultivating truth, love and fearlessness in yourself.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 26th June - Durgashtami (Make a vow. It sticks.); Tue. 27th - Navami (You're protected. Be bold!); Thurs. 29th - Shayani Ekadashi (Something to be gained by giving something else up).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
In hot weather you're going to be drinking a lot of water anyway, why not turn it into 'curative' water and see what effects you notice. Agricultural experiments with  'vibrated' or 'curative' water, has shown it to increase the yield, size and quality of crops and anecdotal evidence suggests that when you regularly drink 'curative' water it can help with stomach problems and skin complaints. Here's how to vibrate your water...
Truth, Love & Fearlessness - Meditating On Your Heart Chakra.
Did you know that you have 3 hearts? Not 3 heart organs but 3 aspects of the heart chakra.  These are the left , right and centre hearts in your subtle body. Like roses, they can blossom and begin to express their qualities in your personality and make a diference. Here's a short meditation to cultivate your powers of Truth (Spirit), Love & Fearlessness...
Free Spirit - The Art Of The Possible.
To find yourself is to find your lost treasure. And it's the only way to live. Meaningfully. Kundalini awakening unlocks your spirit and frees you from the bonds of ego and conditionings . With this she also empowers you in different ways and what was not possible before becomes possible . Here's what she achieves in you and you can judge for yourself whether you've noticed...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 "Today I want to tell you about the good things that you are, the beauty that you are and how beautifully you are made within yourself. This Kundalini within you  is a part of the all-pervading Power which thinks, which understands, which coordinates, which Loves."

October 5th 1981, Houston, Texas (USA).

"I'm considering going to hear Deepak Chopra, who's in London this week,  speak. He's talked about : "waking up to new levels of awareness by living a conscious life and healing your mind and body", which is the same as Sahaja yoga, right? "
In Reply:

The first part of the statement - "waking up to new levels of awareness" - is consistent with Sahaja yoga.

However, this happens in Sahaja yoga with the awakening of the kundalini, not by the method Deepak Chopra seems to propose, which is  "by living a conscious life ..."

So the practice of Sahaja yoga is not the same as the teachings of Deepak Chopra.

This also illustrates a more general point about ideas that sound good but are difficult to actually realise. There seems to be an unbridgeable gap between theory and practice. Your kundalini bridges it.

For anyone unfamiliar with Deepak Chopra a good start is his Wiki page.

This may also be an opportunity to hold your hands open and  test your awareness of a person's vibes (from a question asked in last weeks newsletter).
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

Monday, 19 June 2023

Finding Your True North. How To Navigate Life Better When You Need To.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Finding  Your True North. How To Navigate Life Better When  You Need To.

Dear Friend,

How do know you're headed in the right direction; that you're spending your time, energy and attention in way that fulfils a deep need in you?

Maybe you know; maybe you don't . You could learn from the birds, though.

Take the cuckoo. If you see a cuckoo anywhere this month it's likely to have migrated from Africa between April and May and will return to Africa between July and August.

What's remarkable is that the cuckoo, like other migratory birds, can navigate intercontinental distances of sometimes as much as 12,000km, landing on the same tree at it's destination, year after year.

How can it navigate so accurately? Part of it's navigation equipment includes the equivalent of a magnetic compass.

A magnetic compass is not unique to the birds. Other animals have them too. For example leave a cat or a dog a long distance from home and they have been known to find their way back.

Human beings also have the equivalent of a magnetic compass It's the energy of your Mooladhara chakra, visualised in Indian iconography as the elephant-headed child god, Shri Ganesha. 

With your daily kundalini meditation, this principle of Shri Ganesha is developed and gets stronger in you.

Then what happens is that in any situation, and like using a magnetic compass, you always find your true north. You  never get sucked into anything that's detrimental to you or wasteful or just plain useless. More below.

Also below: tune into your heart with the pulsating rhythms of the African drum; and, learning how to restore your emotional energy.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 22nd June - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Remover of Obstacles); Sun. 25th - Saptami (Lucky 7th - Nothing ventured, nothing gained).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Take a few minutes to get out of your head and feel the pulse through your body of the waves of these percussive rhythms, which will clear your heart chakra. 2 comments in the comments section, were:
"Oh my gosh, this so beautiful & amazing! "; 
" Love the way the rhythms are layered over the underlying heart beat pulse." Enjoy!
Work & Play - Restoring Your Emotional Energy.
A busy work life can take a lot out of you and leave you with little energy for anything else. This can lead to an imbalance where the need to achieve dominates your feeling side which is the source of joy and creativity.  Restore the balance by nourishing your left channel ( emotional energy) with this short guided meditation.
Finding Your True North. The Principal Of Shri Ganesha.
Fundamental to all of creation is the idea of a a guiding or impelling energy. At the level of matter it is expressed in Einstein's famous equation, E=mc-squared. At the level of animals, it's the the sense of direction. At the level of humans it's the evolved sense of direction that tells you which way to go to satisfy the deep need of your spirit. It's described here as a form of electromagnetism, the Shri Ganesha principle...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

" The magnet within you is Shri Ganesha [energy of your mooladhara chakra]. Many people know that I have a great sense of direction. That comes through this magnet which is perfect. This magnet is the one which keeps you sticking or adjusted or all the time pointed towards Spirit. "

August 4th 1985, Brighton (England).

"Is there such a thing as being incompatible with someone on the vibes? "
In Reply:

Yes and No.

There are 3 sensation of the vibes you can feel on your hands when your attention is focused on something or someone with regard to a decision that has to be made:
  • Cool ( meaning: Yes!)
  • Nothing (meaning:  No)
  • Warm/Hot (meaning: No!)
But although the vibes represent your super-intuition and are a Truth-teller, they are also a living force and so are not static.

Which means if you're paying attention to the vibes of someone and are getting nothing, which is usually indicative of a 'No', it may still be possible to work something out in a way that improves the vibes and makes them cooler.

Warm/Hot vibes on the other hand, are a bigger mountain to climb and best avoided.

Cool, is the best of all and lucky if you find that. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.