Thursday 20 January 2022

Pursuing Your Passion - Creativity, Self-Expression & Living Mindfully.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Pursuing Your Passion - Creativity, Self-Expression & Living Mindfully.

Dear Friend,

You'll be much happier and get more fulfilment from spending more of your time doing something that you genuinely find meaningful. This is according to the field of Positive Psychology. But you probably knew this anyway.

The New York Times has been reporting how people in the US are quitting their jobs in droves; some to get better jobs, others to do their own thing.

What starts off in America usually spreads around the world and so if you haven't yet felt the urge to pursue your passion or lead a more meaningful life then you may soon.

In 1982, Shri Mataji translated a 1,400 year old yoga text predicting the future state of humanity and of the 7 predictions, one of them said this:

"6. "They will be able to create a society, which will completely fulfil their desires and their necessities and people won’t need to have money accumulated with them."

This ideal may seem a little way off , but there's no better time than the present to explore your creativity and self-expression to get yourself quicker to a more mindful and meaningful state of existence. 

Below, how 'yoga' has something to do with it.

Also below: travel light by clearing the baggage of your emotional past with a candle; and a guided meditation for running your Start-up.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Power Of The Flame - Clearing Your Left Channel.
Make sure to keep a stock of candles at home because a naked candle flame can do wonders for you. In Sahaja yoga, using a candle with your daily meditation not only quickly clears the atmosphere and lifts your mood, it also makes it more likely that you'll be able to feel vibes on your hands.The fire element has been known to help people rid themselves of problems related to their past and their emotions (left channel), like this...
Start-up Heaven - The 'Ask & You Shall Receive' Meditation.
If you're finding your meaning in life this year by doing your own thing and getting your Start-up off the ground, this short guided meditation on your Nabhi and Vishuddhi chakras will come in handy. A good Nabhi gives you presence and a good Vishuddhi gives you a honeyed tongue. Asking for funding should be a cinch...
Creativity, Self- Expression & Living Mindfully.
The pandemic has been a wake-up call and with all the time spent at home, most people now have a clearer idea about what makes them happy. Yours might be sharing a skill you have online; making something with your hands ; dancing or singing or something else. What these activities all have in  common is that they pull you into the present and therefore make you more mindful. From mindfulness to yoga. And through yoga to your meaning...
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Quote of the Week

" are [to be] made 'Samartha' meaning; equal to the meaning of your life. Also it means strong- by awakening your Kundalini Shakti [divine feminine energy]. Also you are to be made self-supporting. " 

December 21st 1986, Chalmala, Alibag (India).

" How do I motivate myself? With all that's happened, it's made me feel that we don't have much control over anything? "
In Reply:

Start by setting yourself small daily goals. This might be deciding to do a clear-out of a corner of your living space where things you don' really need have been left to accumulate. 

Each day pick a small task and complete it. This regains for you the sense of the power over your environment and the ability to change something.

Next begin to work on yourself because our experience of the world is a projection on to it of our inner state. And for that regular meditation is the key.

There are 3 milestones you could aim for in your Sahaja yoga meditation journey: 1. experiencing mental silence 2. feeling your own kundalini 3. feeling vibes on your hands.

By this point, you should have regained your sense of purpose. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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