Your 2022: Jumpstarting Change In January - The Power Of Brahma Muhurta. Dear Friend,
Happy New Year!
However 2022 is going to turn out, the best time to try and steer it, at a personal level, in the most beneficial direction is this month.
As January is the 'root' of the year ahead, each individual day has a 'root' as well. The yogis and Vedic astrologers of India called the 'root' of the day, 'Brahma Muhurta'.
According to the yogis, at Brahma Muhurta the beneficial vibes are at a maximum and it is as if a portal has opened up into heaven. This is why it was regarded as the most effective time to meditate.
Being in meditative connection with the 'Parama Chaitanya' (self-organising principle of Nature) at the root of the day, it was realised, made it easy to create change and to 'imprint' wishes and intentions on the day and watch things work out.
For meditators who know about Brahma Muhurta, it's has come to be known as the '4am meditation'. But that's hard if you're programmed for a 6:30am wake up.
So this is where the peculiarity of the month of January comes in. Brahma Muhurta is actually calculated as the 96 minutes before sunrise and lasting 48 minutes. In January, sunrise times are close to 8am. This means that when you wake up at 6:30am , you're waking up in Brahma Muhurta!
Carpe diem! Seize the day and make the most of your January. Brahma Muhurta times for all days in January are provided on link below.
Also below, a free download of a 2022 calendar that can help you do more than just know what day it is; and, armed with calendar and knowledge of Brahma Muhurta, making use of a special guided meditation with mantra to achieve fulfilment in 2022.
Best wishesP. PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down. |