Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Keeping Yourself Strong Mentally - Resilience In Turbulent Times.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Keeping Yourself Strong Mentally - Resilience In Turbulent Times.

Dear Friend,

Human resilience is an amazing thing and we all have it within us to rise above adverse circumstances or lift ourselves up when we're low.

In a piece of research published in The International Journal of Neuroscience, the long-term practice of Sahaja yoga meditation is linked to "higher psycho-emotional stability" (resilience). 

The reasons for this finding may be several. Firstly, being able to pause your thinking whenever you want, is good protection against the negative self-talk and ruminative thinking that is said to underlie conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Secondly, your kundalini bridges the false distinction between mind and body. Something may appear to be a mental health issue but looked at through the holistic lens of  Sahaja yoga practice, is found to be an issue of the bodily  chakras or some combination of the chakras.

This is what is shown in the Chakra chart below.

Also below: A book of mental health advise from TikTok sensation, Dr. Julie Smith; and a guided meditation for getting yourself together. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Book Recommendation - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before: Dr Julie Smith. 
According to some survey stats, 33% of US and 26% of UK adults have reported an impact on their mental health as a result of the pandemic. Which might explain why this clinical psychologist with a small practice in Hampshire, England, has amassed a following of 3 million people on TikTok during lockdown and now has a Sunday Times Bestseller. Sample the book to see why her advice is so in demand...
Floral Bouquet Of Personality - A Guided Meditation For Self-Integration.
It's easier to be your best self when your heart, head and liver are all harnessed to pull in  the same direction. This is what Self-Integration is. Here is a short guided meditation to help you begin to feel the effect of self-integration, which blossoms at the top of the head (Sahasrara Chakra) like a bouquet of flowers...
Keeping Yourself Strong Mentally.
In this image, the numbered headings are the section titles from Dr Julie Smith's book (above) and below each heading are the likely chakras implicated in that mental health condition. To keep yourself mentally strong then is just a beneficial by-product of your daily meditation which nourishes your chakras by 'Pradesh'.
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Quote of the Week

"...this Kundalini rises through six centres and these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When she rises, she enlightens them. She nourishes them, also she integrates them, that’s how we become an integrated personality. " 

June 11th 2000, Public Program, Massey Theatre, New Westminster (Canada).

" How does the kundalini cure? "
In Reply:

She cures you by gradually repairing and nourishing your chakras every time you sit and meditate.

Your chakras look after your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. So, when you're chakras are OK, you're OK.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Pursuing Your Passion - Creativity, Self-Expression & Living Mindfully.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Pursuing Your Passion - Creativity, Self-Expression & Living Mindfully.

Dear Friend,

You'll be much happier and get more fulfilment from spending more of your time doing something that you genuinely find meaningful. This is according to the field of Positive Psychology. But you probably knew this anyway.

The New York Times has been reporting how people in the US are quitting their jobs in droves; some to get better jobs, others to do their own thing.

What starts off in America usually spreads around the world and so if you haven't yet felt the urge to pursue your passion or lead a more meaningful life then you may soon.

In 1982, Shri Mataji translated a 1,400 year old yoga text predicting the future state of humanity and of the 7 predictions, one of them said this:

"6. "They will be able to create a society, which will completely fulfil their desires and their necessities and people won’t need to have money accumulated with them."

This ideal may seem a little way off , but there's no better time than the present to explore your creativity and self-expression to get yourself quicker to a more mindful and meaningful state of existence. 

Below, how 'yoga' has something to do with it.

Also below: travel light by clearing the baggage of your emotional past with a candle; and a guided meditation for running your Start-up.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Power Of The Flame - Clearing Your Left Channel.
Make sure to keep a stock of candles at home because a naked candle flame can do wonders for you. In Sahaja yoga, using a candle with your daily meditation not only quickly clears the atmosphere and lifts your mood, it also makes it more likely that you'll be able to feel vibes on your hands.The fire element has been known to help people rid themselves of problems related to their past and their emotions (left channel), like this...
Start-up Heaven - The 'Ask & You Shall Receive' Meditation.
If you're finding your meaning in life this year by doing your own thing and getting your Start-up off the ground, this short guided meditation on your Nabhi and Vishuddhi chakras will come in handy. A good Nabhi gives you presence and a good Vishuddhi gives you a honeyed tongue. Asking for funding should be a cinch...
Creativity, Self- Expression & Living Mindfully.
The pandemic has been a wake-up call and with all the time spent at home, most people now have a clearer idea about what makes them happy. Yours might be sharing a skill you have online; making something with your hands ; dancing or singing or something else. What these activities all have in  common is that they pull you into the present and therefore make you more mindful. From mindfulness to yoga. And through yoga to your meaning...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

"...you are [to be] made 'Samartha' meaning; equal to the meaning of your life. Also it means strong- by awakening your Kundalini Shakti [divine feminine energy]. Also you are to be made self-supporting. " 

December 21st 1986, Chalmala, Alibag (India).

" How do I motivate myself? With all that's happened, it's made me feel that we don't have much control over anything? "
In Reply:

Start by setting yourself small daily goals. This might be deciding to do a clear-out of a corner of your living space where things you don' really need have been left to accumulate. 

Each day pick a small task and complete it. This regains for you the sense of the power over your environment and the ability to change something.

Next begin to work on yourself because our experience of the world is a projection on to it of our inner state. And for that regular meditation is the key.

There are 3 milestones you could aim for in your Sahaja yoga meditation journey: 1. experiencing mental silence 2. feeling your own kundalini 3. feeling vibes on your hands.

By this point, you should have regained your sense of purpose. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Succeed By Getting Your Timing Right - Lunar Calendar & Brahma Muhurta


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your 2022: Jumpstarting Change In January - The Power Of Brahma Muhurta.

Dear Friend,

Happy New Year! 

However 2022 is going to turn out, the best time to try and steer it, at a personal level, in the most beneficial direction is this month. 

As January is the 'root' of the year ahead, each individual day has a 'root' as well. The yogis and Vedic astrologers of India called the 'root' of the day, 'Brahma Muhurta'.

According to the yogis, at Brahma Muhurta the beneficial vibes are at a maximum and it is as if a portal has opened up into heaven. This is why it was regarded as the most effective time to meditate.

Being in meditative connection with the 'Parama Chaitanya' (self-organising principle of Nature) at the root of the day, it was realised, made it easy to create change and to 'imprint' wishes and intentions on the day and watch things work out.

For meditators  who know about Brahma Muhurta, it's has come to be known as the '4am meditation'. But that's hard if you're programmed for a 6:30am wake up.

So this is where the peculiarity of the month of January comes in. Brahma Muhurta is actually calculated as the 96 minutes before sunrise and lasting 48 minutes. In January, sunrise times are close to 8am. This means that when you wake up at 6:30am , you're waking up in Brahma Muhurta!

Carpe diem! Seize the day and make the most of your January. Brahma Muhurta times for all days in January are provided on link below.

Also below, a free download of a 2022 calendar that can help you do more than just know what day it is; and, armed with calendar and knowledge of Brahma Muhurta, making use of a special guided meditation with mantra to achieve fulfilment in 2022.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Getting Your Timing Right - The Importance Of The Lunar Calendar.
As Shakespeare hinted at, the moon has a real impact on human affairs. That is why in certain cultures such as Indian and Arabic, the moon's movement is used as a marker of time and not the sun. In Sahaja yoga, the moon is recognised as governing the left yogic channel which is responsible for subconscious impulses. Certain days have better vibes than others and combined with your meditation can yield success in certain things that wouldn't otherwise happen. Download and keep this calendar handy...
Samadhan - Meditating Your Way To Satisfaction.
It's good to be grateful for the things you have but occasionally the things you don't have but wish you did, can give you are gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction. What do you do? Since all feelings of hunger come from the stomach (nabhi chakra), a good way to start is by regular use of this mantra meditation to energise the petals of your nabhi chakra to help materialise the thing you lack...
Brahma Muhurta - Capturing Magic Before Sunrise.
Whatever you want, meditate on it before dawn. If you've reached the stage in your practice of Sahaja yoga, where you can physically feel vibes, the flow of vibes at that special time of one and a half hours before sunrise (Brahma Muhurta) can be exhilarating. Sunrise times become roughly 1 minute earlier for each passing day, which means Brahma Muhurta beginning at 6:30am starts 1 minute earlier. See what the exact time is for Brahma Muhurta tomorrow and following days...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

"...if you meditate, everything will work out... " 

August 2nd 1986, Shudy Camps (England).

" I read somewhere that there are various amazing physical powers associated with the kundalini, such as walking on water. Can you say something about this? "
In Reply:

The powers traditionally associated with kundalini yoga are referred to as siddhis. There are eight classical siddhis of which one is called 'Laghima', meaning the "ability to make the body weightless or lighter than air". It might be this that accounts for the ability to walk on water.

With some relief, I can reassure you that none of this happens with the practice of Sahaja yoga. The reason for that is: if the full potential of the kundalini is like the battery needed to power a Tesla (an electric vehicle), Sahaja yoga is like acquiring two AA batteries so that you can switch on your torchlight. But that's plenty because with a torchlight you can see clearer in the dark.

Also, there's an element of the wisdom of Nature involved, as with all evolutionary processes. If the mass of human population is to benefit from spontaneous change then it has to be gradual and widely spread rather than sudden so as not to frighten the horses.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.