Monday 13 July 2020

Money, Work, Home & Family.

Below:  1. Make yours a happy home: some feng shui tips and a vibrated photo for getting positive energy flowing in your living space.   2. 'Mind over Matter': your enlightened meditative attention acts to solve your problems.   3.  Money, work, home & family: a guided meditation for nabhi and heart chakras.
Positive Vibes @Home.jpg

Your enlightened attention.jpg

Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

" Q. She’s asking how you begin to meditate, Shri Mataji.
A. That of course I will tell you. There’s a photograph of Mine, first you have to work on that. Afterwards you will know that how it works, but first you have to use My photograph, I don’t know what to do because the photograph has the vibrations. You can test it, you’ll get tremendous vibrations from the photograph. It’s a kind, as we can call, a figure, which emits vibrations. I do not gain anything by that, but you will gain. You will gain, so you have to sit down and meditate before the photograph. It’s full of vibrations. It’s so effective I tell you, that when you put these photographs of Mine all over London, it works." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 27th Sept. 2000, Public Program, Holland Park School, London(UK).

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