Sunday 19 July 2020

Do You Over-Think And Over-Analyse? Try This.

Below:  1. Make your own 'healing'(vibrated) water; and here are 6 ways we may have been drinking water all wrong.    2. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been all over the news in this pandemic  - advertising kundalini awakening.   3. Don't overthink it. How to stop unwanted thoughts playing on repeat in your head.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"This is the great thing about Void[The area centred around the nabhi chakra in the stomach] is that once you are enlightened[kundalini-awakening established through daily meditation] you can give something to the nature. You have been drawing everything from nature so far. First time now you start giving something to the nature.
And what you give to the nature is so nourishing to it also. Supposing you give vibrations to, say, fruits, or to trees, or to flowers. You will find they will be ten times more, the growth will be much more, they will be lustrous. And they will be very juicy, very tasty and the whole atmosphere will be different.
Maybe after some time these trees, if they will be standing there, anybody will be passing that way, if he touches the tree they will get the vibrations also from there.
So maybe a tree may become a curer, something like that. All those waters and all that, we talk of «curing water», are nothing but vibrated waters. They are vibrated. So, if the vibrated water goes inside, you get cured." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, October 5th 1978, London(England).
Related Post:
Related Post- Flower on Water.jpg

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