Tuesday 21 January 2020

Work Not Doing It For You? Try This.

Below:  1. Two places at the same time and other strange happenings with Shri Mataji : read nine people's personal accounts;   2. Add some 'flavour' to your meditation by lighting some incense- here's how it helps; 3. If time spent at work is not ticking all the boxes of who you are, then this guided meditation could help you on your way.

Miraculous Mother.jpg

Power Of Incense.jpg

Happy Self-Integration.jpg

See you at group meditation tomorrow. The first two lucky people through the door who come to me and say the magic password 'Kewda' (pronounced 'kev'- 'da') will each get a roll of kewda incense sticks to enjoy their meditation with at home.

She[your kundalini] integrates all your being, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being she integrates." - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, October 5th 1980, Lausanne (Switzerland).

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