Tuesday 13 November 2018

This is Your Brain on Music.

music Shri Mataji harmonium.jpg
Dear All,

Below is your free access to some of the meditation music played at the group meditation session, along with 3 book recommendations.

In short the books are 3 different ways of understanding that the brain, which governs how we think, feel and behave, can be viewed as hardware on which the mind (software) runs. Both can be changed to help you live your best life. Meditation as a means to that change is mentioned in at least 2 of the books.
Brain book recommendation.jpgThis 4 minute clip : How to Overcome Your Mental Limitations shows how the insights contained in the above books flows directly from your regular practice of sahaja yoga meditation.

Click here to download the meditation music to your phone.

While the meditation music typically tends to be Indian classical music, this is not to say that you can't find western music to lift the spirit. Here, for example, is Delibes' Lakme flower duet, sung by Anna Netrebko & Elina Garanca.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


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