Tuesday 20 November 2018

Got No Time? Here's a Better Way to Slice Your Pizza.

Dear All,

Got no time? This is perhaps one of the main causes of stress - that there doesn't seem to be enough time to deal with everything. But what it could come down to is that you're just not slicing your pizza up right. The pizza being the different things that you spend your day on, including sleep and work.

The chart below shows, by extrapolation, how each of us typically spends a day and unsurprisingly, work eats up most of the time. If we were to categorise the activities into those that drain our energy - physical, emotional, mental - and those that restore or replenish our energy, most of the activities would be on the debit side, with only sleep being on the credit side.

Because of stress, the quality and/or quantity of sleep is not sufficient to cover the debit side of your energy bank balance leaving you running on an overdraft situation. This is storing up debts - in the form of stress-related illness- for the future.

The reason that meditation is recommended even by GPs is because it's like a free cash-injection into your bank account - it clears your debts. Why would you not do it?

If you look at the chart again, I've inserted a few random meditation 'credit-lines' in, which would clear your overdraft and which you could move around to suit yourself. Sitting still and trying for thoughtless awareness for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening is a very good approach.

Come and speak to me at the group meditation tomorrow and I may be able to recommend something specifically for you.


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