Tuesday, 28 November 2017

The answer lies in the palms of your hands.

​Dear All,

Whatever the issue you may be facing, the key to resolving it lies on the chakras and the chakras are reflected on your fingers.

Here's how to understand yourself better and be your own doctor. If you feel a tingling or numbness on any particular finger when held out in front of your meditation photo, then below is the  likely explanation of what it is and what to do about it in order to 'cure' yourself.

This is to be done along with your meditation.

Click here to get the knowledge about self-diagnosing through vibrational awareness.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 20 November 2017

'You look wonderful ! What have you been doing?'

Dear All,

If you've ever had a 'gut-feeling' about something that turned out to be correct or experienced 'butterflies in the stomach' before an important meeting, then you know, instinctively, something that science has come to accept relatively recently: that the gut/stomach acts as a 'second brain'[1].

And that's not all. The pay-off for managing to achieve thoughtless awareness in your meditation, even if only for a few seconds at a time, is that vibes are then able to flow downwards through the fontanel at top of head into the stomach( nabhi chakra) where they break down into the 'subtle elements' ('tanmatra') and begin to improve your appearance (no matter how good you already look :o)  ).

The picture below shows what's actually happening and although the process is generally weak at this stage in our collective experience of sahaja yoga, and the effect therefore is not so mind-blowingly dramatic, there's huge potential in all that, as yet, untapped power of your kundalini. We're just getting a trickle of water for what will become a gushing river.

Further below is what you can do when you meditate to help your 'rejuvenation' and hopefully move us closer to a prediction about sahaja yoga, that in future people will no longer get sick or grow old[2].

​You can use your hands to channel vibes, so when meditating at home, spend a few minutes towards the end with left hand on lap to catch flow of vibes from meditation photo and direct into nabhi chakra by placing fingers of right hand on navel(belly-button), as we do at Tuesday group meditation.

And of course, check out this 7-minute video clip : click on  How Effects of Meditation Can Show on the Face.

Just so that you know I'm not making stuff up about people no longer getting sick or old, there are some science, sociology and historical pointers in links further down.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


[2] Sri Kagapujander, 7th Century CE, Tamil Nadu, India.

'Human beings will no longer get sick or old' Really? Check out links below

​              - 'Built for Bliss'
Sociology - 'The 100 year Life'
Historical - 'History of an Idea: Elixir of Youth'

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

How to be Happier at Work.

Dear All,

Have you ever stood up in the office and announced, with a beaming smile on your face: 'I can't believe I'm being paid to do this?'. You probably haven't.

The results of  two surveys published in the paper today says that two out of five people are unhappy at work and four out of five have anxiety.  To cope with this, the report says, people listen to music, watch TV, read a book, drink alcohol or exercise, which is fine - apart from maybe the sedating with alcohol- but all these things don't necessarily 'nourish the soul'.

This is why investing a little time in yourself daily to meditate can pay massive dividends in giving you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The way this happens is by the integration that takes place between right swadisthana chakra (the attention/the liver), left heart chakra( the 'atma' or spirit/heart) and the sahasrara chakra(vibrations/brain - limbic system).

The reason why this works is because one of the main causes of the dissatisfaction people feel is due to a sense of inner dislocation, and the meditation fixes it by helping you to achieve a self-integration - described in 2 minutes here.

Try the suggested meditation in photo below.
​See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 6 November 2017

How to get Mental Clarity with this Simple Ayurveda Treatment + a 15min Biography.

Dear All,

Have you tried the ghee (clarified butter) in your nose yet? Why would you want to do that?

Well, somebody described achieving thoughtless awareness in meditation as like ocean surfing - he lives in Sydney, Australia, by the way- on a good day, if you catch the wave just right then you can ride it for quite sometime. On other days it may be difficult to get a good wave at all. But the more practice you get; the more good rides you have.

Ghee up the nose is like waxing the surfboard so your feet don't slip and you can ride for longer. It's all to do with the chakra at the bridge of the nose, called 'Hamsa' chakra. The Hamsa is at the point in the head where the left and right channels cross-over and so represents a point of balance. If the hamsa is in a good state then it's easier to achieve that state of centred stillness(being in the present moment) that leads into thoughtless awareness.

And it's not just all about the meditation. If you ever feel congested in the head, have dryness in the nose -from sitting in a room with all the windows closed and the heating on (which is likely to be most of us as it gets colder); or if you're a singer, then administering a few drops of warm ghee in the nostrils before bedtime can lead to more mental clarity, relief from sinusitis and give better quality to your voice.

Click here for how to make ghee at home and click here for how to adminster it.

Here's something I sent out last Friday to those of you on the whatsapp group which I thought I'd email as well for those not on the group - It's a quick biography of Shri Mataji.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
