In today's New York Times newspaper, there is this article
about the Nobel Prize in Medicine being awarded for research into how
the biological clock works. Here's how it's related to your success in
meditation and other things you may be trying to achieve.
It could be all about the timing[1]
The biological clock /circadian rhythm
is most noticeable to us when we haven't had enough sleep and feel
lousy the next day. What you may also have noticed is that you're more
likely to come up with inspirational ideas first thing in the morning
than you are after lunch, say.
reason why this is, according to an ancient Indian understanding of
time, is that a day or 24 hours can be split into chunks of 48 minutes
called 'Muhurtas'. Whether or not it's a good time to do something is determined by the nature of the particular muhurta , which can be 'inauspicious' , 'auspicious' or 'very auspicious'.
Over the course of a 24 hour day, there are only two 'very auspicious' muhurtas
and both of them are related to yoga. The first occurs between 02:00 -
02:48 at night and is called 'Jiva/Amrta' (life/immortal) . The second
one occurs in the early hours of the morning between 04:24 - 05:12* and
is called Brahma muhurta.
this second one that has been highly recommended for meditation because
a new day is being freshly born and you have the power to shape what
happens by catching the day at it's root. The meditation is effortless.
you're undergoing any challenging period personally or in any other
way, make a point of getting up early in the morning before anybody else
is awake and meditating. The problems will solve themselves.
Regular meditation develops in you what the Chinese call, 'Wu wei'
- 'going with the flow' or 'effortless action' on which some of Chinese
martial arts is based and which also underpins the philosophy of the ' I Ching' ( 'The Book of Changes').
the success you want to achieve in anything comes, not by planning, but
by unconsciously being in the right place or doing the right thing at
the right time.
this 8 minute clip, Shri Mataji describes how this happens in you as a
result of your kundalini's connection to the all-pervading energy of
existence, the 'Paramchaitanya'. (Click Here).
See you at group meditation tomorrow.
The brahma muhurta actually begins at 96 mins or roughly one and a half
hours before sun-rise. UK current sunrise is about 7am so brahma
muhurta timing in UK at the moment is 05:30 - 06:18. It may be easier
for you to get up at this time to meditate than getting up at 04:30.
"There is a tide in the affairs of (wo)men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures."
Shakespeare - Julius Caesar act 4, scene 3.
"There is a tide in the affairs of (wo)men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures."
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