Monday 7 August 2017

Run a lunchtime meditation session in your workplace + 3-day meditation 'bootcamp' -sort of.

Dear All,
If you are meditating regularly at home and can feel the 'cool breeze' of your kundalini on top of your head and your hands, then why not help your stressed-out workmates experience a little of the peace of mental silence by leading them through a short lunchtime session of SY meditation?

As the example above of TV production staff shows, it can be fun and a pleasant surprise when it works. To help boost your confidence and if there's enough interest, we could meet for 2-hour meditation sessions over 3  consecutive days (wed- fri 7-9pm), during which we would do  footspas for chakra clearance and explore the effect of mantras. A kind of mini-bootcamp which could be a transformative experience for you, even if you don't immediately go on to run  lunchtime meditation in your office.

You can reply with a 'Yes' if you think you might be interested in this. There would be a cost to booking a venue for the 3 days, unless someone knows somewhere in Chelsea we could have for free, in which case , let me know.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


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