Monday 28 August 2017

Chasing the Clouds Away.

Dear All,
A clouded heart or nabhi chakra could be the underlying reason why certain things may not be panning out at the moment in life, in the way we'd wish. What can you do about it?

Somebody suggested that their experience at a previous sahaja yoga meditation retreat was like taking your clothes to the laundry for drycleaning - everything comes out fresh, crisp and clean at the end.

This could be because of the cleansing effect on the aura of the kundalini in the group meditations.

There's more to you than meets the eye and you can learn all about it.

If you reported a problem last week with submitting your online registration form for the free* 1-day sahaja yoga meditation retreat on Saturday 9th Sept., it should be OK. Click here to try again.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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